Sexual Repression 101. Pure WT Gold: Wednesday's Daily Text.

by Open mind 88 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ana_dote

    OTWO just made me think of something I went through...about the whole 'telling teens they'll lose everlasting life for indescretions'.....this isn't related to sex, but it just made me think of how there was one occassion when I was about 18 years old where I had gone to a lodge with a TON of other witnesses....some just youths, but also families went. As it goes with practically most "witness" gatherings, there was A LOT OF ALCOHOL. I mean...A LOT. I went with my older sister, who was well of age. So, naturally, we had wine coolers, beer, tequila....the works. Now, I did not ONCE get "drunk". Over the course of the entire weekend I had basically two wine coolers and ONE shot of tequila. All at different times. So there was no way I was even close to inebriated.

    BUT....because there was A TON of underaged drinking reported and rumors got back to our families, my parents practically forced a confession out of me. So I told them I had a wine cooler....or something small...I didn't tell them all of what I had, even though it was only 3 drinks max, because I knew they would flip out.

    I was a pioneer at the time, too.

    Do you dad sat there and was guilt tripping me and threatening me and telling me how he wasn't sure if he should go to the elders over this or not and how I could lose my pioneering privileges over it??? At one point I was feeling pretty much the lowest of the low and said to him with tears running down my cheeks "I'm sorry...I don't mean to be a bad person.." me if I'm wrong....but wouldn't YOUR reaction....the CORRECT reaction to that statement be "you're not a bad person, you just made a mistake..."?? wouldn't that be the right thing to say? OF COURSE. but no....when I said "I don't mean to be a bad person" father said: "nobody ever does."


    so basically because I had a friggin wine cooler (cuz that's all they knew about lolol) I was a bad person and could lose my pioneering privileges and basically was this all around horrible kid??? SERIOUSLY???

    And yet this is how they train their members to treat their children. Instead of realizing that kids will get into things, kids will experiment and explore....that it's a natural part of learning and growing into adults. Nope, instead they tell their kids they will lose everything they hold dear, right down to their very life and salvation if they do one little thing "wrong".

    ugh. man...i must be in a mood tonight lol everything is pissing me off about the jw's.

  • OnTheWayOut

    ana_d, that was a great way to get more of what I was thinking down in writing. Thanks for supplying a great example. Sorry to hear that your dad followed the WT instead of his heart at the time.

  • SixofNine
    I shudder to think about the (possibly rare, but maybe not SO rare) couples who marry only to find out the husband might be "too big" for his wife...

    :looks around cluelessly: huh? that's not rare at all, is it? I mean, happens all the time, right? right?

  • ana_dote

    well i didn't know if it is rare or not...i just put that in there so people wouldn't jump all over my statement and say "oh that only happens to a few people"....

  • SixofNine

    heh, don't worry ana, I was just joking around. That would be extremely rare. Though not so rare as to make it impossible, and if you were the woman (or man), you'd sure want to know before you committed to marriage, or even sex for that matter.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Another scenario….

    The guy is too small to satisfy the wife, and because of their strict JW beliefs they don’t believe in mutual masturbation or oral sex….

  • streets76

    True story: Thirty years ago I was crazy crazy in love with a prim and proper young sister. I had her interest, even though I was not exactly on the straight and narrow (being unbaptized and all). We never went further than a couple of less-than-sensual kisses.

    One day she had a heart-to-heart with me, said that she didn't think she could ever get married, because she just couldn't ever see herself having sex. For some reason, the very thought of the physical act itself was repulsive to her (don't remember if she actually used the word "repulsive," but that's the message she put across).

    I moved on (and out of the wackiness). She is still in the wackiness, never married, and as far as I know still a virgin approaching 50 years old.

    I think of her often. What a waste.

  • ziddina

    WowEEEE.... Lookit how they open the comments with a mind-boggling "double-bind" communication...

    "Those who [marry] will have tribulation in their flesh. -- 1 Cor. 7:28."

    "The ungodly world in which we live is obsessed with sex...."

    Damned if you do (marry...), damned if you don't (if you think about sex because you have no "scripturally [read: WTBTS...] approved outlet), since they're forbidding - er, 'discouraging' - marriage again...

    And then there's that devious, underhanded technique that the WTBTS uses so often... "Some have tried to deal with it by marrying at a very early age... Before long, though, a number have regretted that decision.... Still, no matter how challenging the situation is, true Christians know that an unscriptural divroce is not an acceptable solution to problems associated with an unhappy union...."

    So, first they set up the poor, socially-inept JW kids FOR an act of desperation, leaping into the first marriage offer that comes along, while implying ["Regulation by Implication"...] that marriage is 'forbidden'...

    Then, leading with the attitude that marriage will cause "tribulation", (and we all remember what a buzz-word THAT is...), they lock unhappily-married JWs into their miserable situation...

    Perhaps based on the idea that miserable people will be more likely to go out in service to avoid or escape their unhappy domestic situation...

    Bleaaaahhh... smiley throwing up

    Zid sm

  • sir82

    So let's see....young men & women have enormously powerful sexual urges, but according to the WT, they shouldn't

    -- masturbate

    -- have sex outside of marriage

    -- get married young so they can have sex

    And then the WT moans and wrings it's hands about the "epidemic" of kids getting DF'ed for "immorality"?

    These goobers (WT brain trust) couldn't complete a 2-dot connect-the-dots puzzle.

  • mindmelda

    Yes, and teenagers aren't supposed to think too much about sex, but they go to the Kingdom Hall and at least once a month have to hear some squirmy discussion about the evils of ninety nine different kinds of sex that people have to go to the Donkey show in Mexico to even see.

    I remember a little kid asking his mom "What's beastiality?" after the meeting. You know, most kids don't even hear about that shit until they're way older than that!

    Unfortunately, sexual repression always backfires one way or another, but good old Puritanical America still keeps on shoveling it. It either makes people totally frigid and afraid of sex, or it makes everyone just horribly curious about all the forbidden fruit.

    I think that the JWs are actually proud of being like the Puritans in some ways, I've seen that said in WTS literature.

    Think about it...these were people so anal and uptight that the English got rid of them. LOL I mean, Lord, how tight assed do you have to be to get the upper crust pinkies out Brits to kick you out of the country for being a self righteous bunch of twits!

    (my apologies to any upper crust pinkies out Brits on the board)

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