Sexual Repression 101. Pure WT Gold: Wednesday's Daily Text.

by Open mind 88 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    LOL - yeah I get the whole sequence and all. That is a natural progression. But I think the problem comes from the fear that is instilled because of the progression. Witness youths don't realize that they can still develop self control and enjoy "expressions of affection" (lol). So say a witness kid likes someone. They hold hands and in their minds they've started this chain reaction which should lead to marriage because you're not supposed to date for you marry the first person you date because you should be serious because you held hands which led to kissing, then embracing, and if we don't get married we'll have sex outside of marriage then get disfellowshipped and destroyed at you get married young or if not so young to someone you're not compatible with just because it's time to get married, it doesn't work out and now you can't get a divorce unless one of you starts the whole sequence with someone else..................which is the whole point of this

    Cult Classic

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Excellent comments everyone!

    I don't have the time to stick with threads as closely as I would like to, but when a real turd/gem like this comes along I figure it will carry itself along.

    Thanks again everyone.


  • mindmelda

    I started realizing that it's just unusual for Witness couples to enjoy sex, and if they do, they're made to feel guilty about it.

    I'm sure that's because of the strictness of dating rituals among Witnesses. There's no way to discover at all if there's any sexual chemistry between you, because that's "loose conduct".

    Thank God my husband and I ignored that. We discovered that we REALLY liked each other in the usual way BEFORE we got married. I can't even imagine marrying someone and not knowing first if I turned him on. What a dilemma, especially since sexual or any other kind of incompatibility are no grounds for divorce among Witnesses.

    Of course, that is because the use the Bible as the rule book for everything from Stupid to Nuts and the form of marriage most common when it was written was arranged marriage for the sake of property and inheritance. Oh, and polygamy. It has been the most "traditional" form of marriage for most of human history...simply because it accomodated the lifestyle of people in those times best in many ways. Most humans are still practicing "polygamy", except now we call it "getting some on the side".

    Seriously, statistics indicate that most people have had sex with someone other than their's because lifelong monogamy is a social imposition and expectation in the first world, not a biological inclination.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Excellent comments mindmelda and palmtree- I'm with you 100% girlfriends. A red flag should go up when you can date someone for years and the two of you never disrobe. And witnesses are taught to fear the chemistry that can make sexual bonding successful. So if you don't know better you marry someone you are "safe" with sexually. So sad.

    Cult Classic

  • ana_dote
    ana_dote many examples of all this crap pop into my head!!

    example 1: a several-year-long bethelite decided he was "ready" (at the age of like....late 30s? early 40s?) to start dating and "find a mate" (sounds so creepy!). Amazingly he did find someone, but they agreed to not kiss until they were ENGAGED. WTF?!?!?!? Why would you commit to someone if you didn't know whether they were gonna slobber on your chin or not??? weirdos.

    example 2: my mid 20s sister was dating a brother.....we were at a congregational function....and he was standing there with his arm around her shoulder for a minute or so. Some pompous elder had the NERVE to walk right up to them and actually ask: "so, when's the date??" WTF?!?!?!?!?!? Apparently ANY sign of physical affection is considered inappropriate unless you have a date set to marry that person.

    And apparently even if you HAVE a date set to marry that person, you're STILL supposed to not do any of those things because they will ultimately lead to sex before marriage.


  • yknot

    ..... is it any wonder why marriage outside of the faith is soooooo common!.....

  • marriedtojw

    Why? Once the novelty of being married has worn off, they have realized that they and their partner have little in common when it comes to everyday matters. Such couples are then faced with a serious challenge. Still, no matter how challenging the situation is, true Christians know that an unscriptural divroce is not an acceptable solution to problems associated with an unhappy union.

    wow, this explains a lot...

  • LouBelle

    Yes I was sexually repressed.

    Not anymore.

    And there is absolutely no guilt attached to being a sensual, sexual being. mmmmm none whatsoever.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Good for you LouBelle

    This thread really hit home for me. Thinking of all the rotten marriages I know about and what led to them. And the hell some people have been put through for getting divorced. And the total lie that witnesses have the best family life.

    Cult Classic

  • d

    I remember hearing talks when I was Younger about taming sexual urges.For me I always left out not being to date any good looking girls in school.The sexual repression has affected in many ways but I think I am bringing out of my shell with the opposite sex.Just remember one day at a time.

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