I am neither frustrated nor caustic. People often mistake pointed questions for someone being caustic.
My apologies, dear NVL (peace to you)! You kinda "sounded" caustic but, then again, it is writing, so I may have mis"heard" you...
god or his angel acting on his behalf caused a physical manifestation in a place where moses saw it because he wanted moses to hear him (regardless of whether or not moses would agree or care). My question still remains, why doesn't god do that for everyone?
Because, dear one... IT SHOULDN'T BE NECESSARY. It shouldn't HAVE to get to that point. I think I've answered that one no less than 3 times now.
Does he not care about us as well?
Of COURSE, He does! That is WHY He sent His Son... AND told us to listen to THAT ONE.
Moses didn't have to tune in, all he had to do was...nothing.
Moses was going to lead the nation of Israel out of Egypt, dear one. Before that, he was going to have go up against the KING of the land. Pretty much by himself. He needed Moses to pay attention. With regard to the OTHERS, though, the manifestation was the result of them NOT listening/hearing/seeing. It was, well, as they say, "The writing on the wall." That usually happens when all other options have been exhausted. Of course, now you're going to say, "Well, if He's God, can't He make a LOT of options?" to which I would respond, yes, but He can also choose NOT to. Right?
But as I said, in MOST cases. In virtually every other case involving a SERVANT of God (thus, NOT Balaam, NOT Belshazzar, NOT Saul of Tarsus, NOT Pharaoh), they simply heard God speaking to them. Even when NO ONE ELSE HEARD IT. They heard... and they listened. And theyDID what the Voice told them to do. Because they BELIEVED it was the Most Holy One of Israel. Why? Because He identified Himself, whether before... or after... they asked.
I'm not trying to have it both ways, I am asking a question about the need to tune in to hear god when clearly that isn't necessary if he wants someone to hear him.
God is a spirit, dear one... and so it is WITH the SPIRIT that YOU are... that He WANTS... us to hear Him. We, though, keep trying to use our FLESH. The FLESH, however... IS OF NO USE AT ALL. And that is something "we" just don't want to accept. Truth IS... IF you have to use your flesh to hear/see God... then you're like Thomas... and NOT like those of whom my Lord spoke of TO Thomas, when he said: "So, you're happy now because you see the holes, and because you see the holes you believe? Happy are those who DON'T see... and believe!" What did he mean? Thomas NEEDED a PHYSICAL manifestation in order to believe. He needed to SEE it... with his eyes. Why? Because... THOMAS LACKED FAITH. Indeed, he said that UNLESS he saw... he WOULD NOT believe. And my Lord accommodated him. BUT... my Lord did not pronounce Thomas "happy.' Rather, he pronounced those "happy" who believed... IN SPITE of not being able to see with their flesh. Those... with FAITH.
I am only allowing that he does for the purposes of the discussion since he hasn't in any verifiable way except as voices in people heads.
What people? I have not told you of a voice in MY head...
Which, BTW, raises another question, how does one determine between god and just regular old crazy voices?
First, it would be [very] rare experience for it to BE the Most Holy One of Israel. 9.9 times out of 10... it is His Word. The Son. Second, ask. At least, initially. Until you come to KNOW that Voice of God's Son (or God Himself, should He speak - He has to me on 5 occasions. My Lord, on the other hand, too many times to count. More than I CAN count, actually...). Also, as dear PSacto stated, what is the voice TELLING you? Is it telling you to do/say something stupid, crazy, mean, hateful, harmful? Then it CAN'T be from the Most Holy One of Israel. It CANNOT.
Yes, yes... I know, I know... what about all those accounts in the Bible? Dear one... don't look at/to the Bible. Look at... to... the Christ. What stupid, crazy, mean, harmful, hateful thing did HE ever tell anyone to say or do? And isn't HE recorded to have said, "I do NOTHING of my OWN initiative, but JUST AS I OBSERVE THE FATHER DOING, so I do?"
The Bible is often the problem, dear one. Contrary to the many lies, it is NOT God's Word. CHRIST... is God's Word and the ONLY "voice" you should be listening to. The Bible is merely a compilation of scriptures, histories, records, chronologies, letters, etc., that TELL about God and Christ... and not entirely truthfully. As Jeremiah prophesied, "The stylus of the secretaries has worked in sheer falsehood." What does that mean? That MEN have changed, added, taken away, omitted, mistranslated, mistransliterated, and misinterpreted the scriptures, and thus, a good portion of the Bible. That is WHY Christ not only said "Woe" to the Pharisees... but also to the SCRIBES... those who had the responsibility of copying things "just so." Apparently, they DIDN'T. And so he said, "Woe to you... scribes AND Pharisees... hypocrites!"
The question is that, if god cares, why would he only physically manifest himself or angels to certain people to inspire faith? why not everyone?
The Most Holy One of Israel doesn't manifest Himself to anyone... except the Son. It is the SON who speaks to us and shows himself to us and it is by means of seeing HIM... that we can "see" God. Like Medusa. You can't look her straight on, so you have to look at her reflection. Into a mirror or shield, etc. Christ... is the mirror. Look at HIM... and "see" God. But... you have not ASKED for him, so AS to see him. And you certainly don't LISTEN to him... because if you DID, it would START with his invitation.
why can some people pray all their life and seek god only to be empty? Either god is too busy, doesn't care, isn't listening or doesn't exist.
The Most Holy One of Israel is not too busy, dear one. Nor is He afar off. The problem is that such people seek Him on THEIR terms... and not on HIS. They want to do it THEIR way... rather than through HIS "Way" - Christ. HE is the Way, the Truth and the Life... and NO ONE... NO ONE, dear NVL... not even YOU... cam come to the Father... UNLESS THEY GO THROUGH HIM. No one. You KNOW this... yet, you try to "climb up" some OTHER "way." YOUR way. And then you wonder why you can't get in. (Hopefully, this is an "aha"... or maybe even a "duh"... moment for you - !)
To the point about asking, you said your friends were asking for wisdom. that's what solomon asked for. Why would that be a bad thing?
My dear ones weren't asking for wisdom. They are asking to know "stuff." For knowledge. But simply knowing stuff doesn't make one wise, dear one. All sorts of people know stuff. Or think they do. And they're as stupid as... well, you get my drift. If my dear ones were really wanting WISDOM... again, they would have asked... for Christ. For he IS Wisdom. TRUE Wisdom. Personified.
would a parent blame their child for asking when they would be fed if they were hungry? if that's god's attitude, then god is a bad parent.
How about this:
"Therefore, if YOU , although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to YOUR children, how much more so will the Father in heaven giveholy spirit to those asking him!” Luke 11:13
And this:
"Now on the last day, the great day of the festival, [Jesus] was standing up and he cried out, saying: “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. He that puts faith in me, just as the Scripture has said, ‘Out from his inmost part streams of living water will flow.’”However, he said this concerning the spiritwhich those who put faith in him were about to receive; for as yet there was no spirit, because Jesus had not yet been glorified." John 7:37-39
And this:
“If you had known the free gift of God and who it is that says to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given youliving water.” Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give himwill become in him a fountain of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.” John 4:10, 14
And this:
"Unless YOU eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, YOU have no life in yourselves. He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my bloodhas everlasting life, and I shall resurrect him at the last day;for my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I in union with him.Just as the living Father sent me forth and I live because of the Father, he also that feeds on me, even that one will live because of me." John 6:52-57
And this:
"Also, he took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: “Drink out of it, all of YOU; for this means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins." Mathew 26:27, 28
And, finally:
" Come!”And let anyone hearing say: “Come!” And let anyone thirstingcome; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.!"
Now, I ask YOU: if YOU are REALLY hungry/thirsty... why do YOU not eat... and DRINK... the "refreshments" that have been offered YOU?" You've heard the invitation, haven't you? Yes. BUT... you have let "men" tell you that it is NOT for you... that God does NOT speak to you. THAT IS A LIE! He HAS spoken to you... and YOU have not LISTENED. But... it does NOT have to BE that way, dear one!
It started with the invitation. Now... the ball is in YOUR court. You want to hear/see God? Then why do you not do this very SMALL thing that He asks of YOU?
I would try to find out from him how much of the batshit crazy stuff in the bible is true.
I'm curious (and sincere), dear NVL (again, peace to you!): out of all the things you COULD ask... why would THIS be what you'd want to know?
Hopefully, what I have shared with you has caused you to have an "aha" moment. Maybe several. But you cannot blame God now. Now you HAVE heard. It is up to you, though, as to what you will DO about what you have heard.
I bid you peace... and ears the HEAR as the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:
"Come! Take LIFE'S WATER... the holy spirit of God (which spirit will grant you even more capacity to hear and see things you've never thought imaginable... things of the SPIRIT... and NOT of the flesh)... free!" There is NO cost, dear NVL... other than you own choice and will.
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,