Adam heard god walking through the garden and had to hide...he heard despite his wishes.
So, you wish to continue? Well, okay, let's, dear NVL... and, again, peace to you! Yes, Adam heard my Father walking about. He also HEARD the warning about eating from the Tree. Which warning... he CHOSE... NOT to "hear." So, he ate. Okay. And afterward he had a choice to hide... or NOT. I mean, he COULD have shown SOME cahones and stepped up and said, "Well, yes, Father, I did eat. But I did it because... I wanted... I heard [from someone else]... I felt... I thought... I DIDN'T think..." or what have you. But... nope. He CHOSE to ignore what he heard. He then CHOSE to eat. He then CHOSE to hide. And when he was called out, he then CHOSE to put the blame for HIS actions on others. No one made ignore the warning. No one made him eat. No one made him hide. No one made him pass the buck. Every step was a CHOICE. He didn't HAVE to do anything.
When someone is standing in front of you and talking, you see that person and heard them whether you want to or not. You can choose to ignore them, but you still see and hear them.
And yet, an angel was standing right in front of Balaam... and he neither saw nor heard it. But the donkey did... Perhaps you should stop relying on what you've HEARD about the account... and read it for yourself. Perhaps. Your choice, though.
Same with Moses. You are wrongfully equating agreeing and listening with seeing and hearing.
Actually, I'm not. They ARE equal... to the SPIRIT. Again, what you're missing... indeed what MOST who are "yet fleshly" miss... is that with the SPIRIT... it is ALL choice. If you CHOOSE to hear... you WILL hear. If you CHOOSE to see... you WILL see. On the other hand, if you CHOOSE to tell yourself that you CAN'T hear... then you're right - you CAN'T. My Lord walked on water because he KNEW he could. Peter walked because he CHOSE... to BELIEVE... that he COULD. Unlike flesh with IT'S blood... which has its own will... which will we have to try and "conquer"... the SPIRIT is subject to OUR will. It does EXACTLY what we tell it to do.
THAT is why sinning with the SPIRIT is a worse "crime." Sins of the flesh can be forgiven. Sins of the SPIRIT, however, rarely are, if they are at all.
That is why the SPIRITS that sinned... don't have the RANSOM that we have. My Lord gave his life because he KNOWS that we are flesh... and he KNOWS what the flesh will cause us to do. That is why it wasn't his FLESH... that the Adversary tried to tempt. Rather, it was his WILL... which controls the SPIRIT... that was tempted.
it was Neb's son. Point is, they had to see the hand on the wall and the words. They could choose to ignore them, but they were phsically manifested before them, just like the bush before Moses and the angel before Balaam.
The physical manifestation came... BECAUSE Belshazzar chose not to LISTEN.
As regards Moses, he could have chosen NOT to investigate the bush... as many would. He COULD have said, as many today would, "Oh, Lordy, what the heck is that?? Oh, no, a DEMON! Yep, Pharaoh's daughter (who's a "special" pioneer, by the way, and served up in the hills at Bethel, so certainly SHE would know) warned me about those demons. 'An ain't no GOOD spirits ever done appeared to HER, so certainly ain't none a one appearin' to ME! Yep, it's a demon 'an I better get myself back on down off this mountain and into Pharaoh's warm and safe palace where there ain't no demons a'tall; at least, Sister Pharaoh says ain't none der..."
But no, Moses thought, "Hey, what the? This is... strange... different... cool! Let me go check it out!" And because of THAT choice... his CHOICE to go check it out... instead of CHOOSING to believe that such things DON'T occur... he encountered a bush that appeared to be "burning" (It wasn't, of course. Not even hot. Rather, it was merely a bush with spirit being (which, was glowing and radiating... which is what seraphs (flying, FIERY, serpents) do...) sitting in it. (And it was a MAGNIFICENT sight, let me tell you!)
Again, you are equating agreeing with the message with hearing the message. My point is that when god wants to, he can force people to see and hear the message, no tuning required on the part of the listener.
Again, He only FORCES people... when they DON'T listen/hear/see. He doesn't want to FORCE anyone, though. And I certainly don't want to have to be forced. Do you?
Exactly, he can when he wants to. Why doesn't he do that for everyone?
Because when He has to FORCE someone to listen/hear/see... it's really not a GOOD thing. For someone, usually the person involved.
So the Bible contradicts itself and isn't internally consistent. No surprise there. As long as you only pick the parts you like it's easy to like the Bible.
No. God is a spirit and so He does not rest as we do. He rested from what He was doing THEN... and began another "work," which work my Lord continues to this day.
You CAN get this NVL... you and everyone else here. If you WANT to. You can hear God speak though His Son... if you WANT to. First, though, you have to entertain the POSSIBILITY that He DOES speak... and you CAN hear.
The reason most people DON'T make the choice, though... is because (1) they don't believe it can happen, or (2) they're afraid it WILL happen and then... what... they'll have to tell someone/say something... and folks'll think they're "crazy." And most folks don't what THAT, do they? Indeed, they would rather NOT hear... and so not have others think them crazy... than to even hear the Voice of the Son of God. I ask you: who's crazy!
As I stated at the start of this interchange, you didn't hear because you didn't believe you WOULD. And THAT... was YOUR choice.
Again, I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,