I see those who listen to God's voice on TV, after they kill their family for God. at least they're in a better place right???
Such people aren't listening to God's voice, dear Darth (peace to you!). Not by a long shot. They're liars and merely try to use the Most Holy of Israel as a convenient excuse for their heinous acts. They think that by using "God" they will garner sympathy - from man, if not from God. They don't seem to be garnering it from the first... and certainly not from the latter.
One question I have for you... what are the color of the clouds in your world?
The clouds in my world are the same color(s) as in your world: depending on the weather, they range from stark white (with a pristeen blue sky backdrop) to various shades of gray (because it's been a pretty rainy winter-spring this year) to orange/pink/purple/blue/gold (depending on the sunset which are gorgeous where I live - less than .5 hour from the open Pacific) or weather forecast ("red sky at night"... and all that). They even made up of water vapor, like yours, but often with some dust and smoke mixed (there's a LOT of industry... and we are part of the "car capital of the world" that is California). Fortunately, there's not a one in sky today where I live so I took the puppies for a serious hike in the coastal hills this morning... and it was GREAT! Sheep a grazin'... eagles a flyin'... light breeze a blowin'. One puppy jumping through the tall grass like a deer! Everything... except clouds.
I'd be rather frightened for my mental health if I actually heard an audible reply.
You might be frightened initially, dear MM (and peace to you, as well!)... but it would pass. Because the One you SHOULD listen to would tell you NOT to be frightened, indeed that you [finally] have no reason TO fear! And thank goodness SOMEONE has that message, don't you think? Because everyone else "speaking for God" seem to have that one message in common: be in fear. It's a LIE.
Aguest has a lot voices that he listens to.
AGuest LISTENS to ONE voice, dear TTO (peace to you!)... and is a "she" (which is why there's a little pink "she" symbol before her "name").
Again, peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,