Whose Voice Should We Listen To?

by AGuest 109 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • notverylikely

    I'm curious (and sincere), dear NVL (again, peace to you!): out of all the things you COULD ask... why would THIS be what you'd want to know?

    Why not? If, as you say, the bible is often the problem I would like to know which parts are true.

    Now you HAVE heard. It is up to you, though, as to what you will DO about what you have heard.

    I heard you. You have been inconsistent in your reasoning. You are not got or an angel. So what I have I heard besides what you think?

    1. You are not all that different from other human beings, really, including myself. Although we have different personalities, born of our difference life experiences and environments, earthling man really doesn't differ that much... from man/woman to man/woman. This is something even the "demons" know... which is why they make earthling man their targets;

    People aren't different except in the ways that they are? Chimps and humans are 98% the same DNA. So what? It's precisely the differences that create the uniqueness. That gives you no insight into me. God, demons, Jesus, maybe, but not you.

    2. You... and most people... DON'T believe my Lord will actually show up/speak if you ask him to

    So? Neither did Thomas. This gives YOU no insight into me.

    3. My Lord knows what is "in" ALL men (or women)... and when one is in union with him, one kinda is able to "see" things like that (i.e., what is "in" another person).

    This gives YOU no insight into me...

    I understand WHY you're trying to argue your position, dear NVL: what I am sharing is FRIGHTENING.

    Not frightening in the least.

    This discussion started because you stated that you DID "listen" but DIDN'T "hear" anything, dea NVL... and asked why? I was permitted to explain why: because you didn't believe you WOULD hear anything)

    Neither did Thomas. What's your point?

    We have pretty much stated our respective positions and there really isn't anything more to say, really. Or is there? I mean, should you actually have had an "aha" moment

    I guess not. You seem to change your reasons for why god doesn't or doesn't appear whenever you get an example that runs counter to what you just said, you quote the bible but when it runs counter to what you just said, well, that's part isn't really the bible....until you quote it again to prove the bible is true. I learned that Outlaw can't hold an adult conversation but will defend you as best as he is able. I learned that you will make an argument, then proceed to say how I would argue against it and shoot that down, which just shows a mighty presumptuousness on your part to think you know my mind.

    Yeah, I learned a lot. I think are a nice person and all and probably very sincere, but I think, that like most christians, you like to make an argument and then when your own book or idea disproves you, you get like teflon and say we just didn't understand, change to another topic, say the words in the bible don't mean what they say they do or that god revealed something to you and only you and it's the rest of us that just don't get it. Pretty typical.

    anyway, have a good night.

  • GromitSK

    I understand your answer Shelby thank you.

  • transhuman68

    Bring out the champagne! We have a winner! Someone understands Shelby! Congratulations... I think?

  • AGuest

    Dear NVL... again, peace to you!

    Your case is entirely different from Thomas', dear one. In Thomas' case, Thomas believed from the start. When Christ appeared to him in the form of an earthling man, Thomas merely responded to the call, "Come, be my follower." At that time, he didn't NEED a "miracle" to be performed but only to hear the call. Yes, his faith grew as a result of miracles he observed being done. From the start, however, he only needed to hear my Lord call him. In that light, he heard... and he obeyed. Because of this, Thomas was at the table when my Lord instituted the New Covenant.

    He DID allow his faith to be put to the test LATER, however... when my Lord appeared to him after his resurrection. Thomas did not doubt that Christ was the Son of God. He did not doubt that Christ had died. He doubted... when the apostles said to him that THEY had seen my Lord... raised from the dead... that my Lord had truly BEEN raised from the dead. He said that he wouldn't believe it unless he actually saw the wounds. He SHOULD have believed it simply because the others TOLD him. But... no. He needed more. And he received more. Out of love, my Lord accommodated him, but with the words: “Put your finger here, and see my hands, and take your hand and stick it into my side..." but he ENDED that statement with a REBUKE: "... and stop being unbelieving but become believing.”

    Be all of that as it may, it was what he said to Thomas NEXT that is of importance and takes into consideration YOUR case:

    " “Because you have seen me have you believed? Happy are those who do not see and yet believe.”

    Now, you want to put yourself on the same "level" as Thomas and say, "Well, unless I HEAR [with my ears] or SEE [with my eyes]... I won't believe." And then expect the Most Holy One of Israel to accommodate YOU. But on what BASIS? Moses showed faith by even bothering to investigate the bush. Thomas had already PROVEN he had faith when he dropped what he was doing and followed Christ... simply because my Lord ASKED him to. He went even further and suggested to the others that they all DIE with my Lord.

    You, however, can't even decide whether you even believe God and Christ exist. And you certainly don't believe either would appear to you. Thomas at least had faith the "size of a mustard seed." This discussion, however, is about the amount of faith YOU have... or don't have.

    Because THAT is the point: faith... is the ASSURED EXPECTATION of the "thing"... "hoped" for. Here, the "thing" you claim to have hoped for was to hear Christ speak to you. You say you listened and heard nothing. I say that you received... exactly what YOU were assured you could expect... TO receive. Nothing. You HOPED, therefore, for nothing... and you RECEIVED... what you hoped for. Argue all you like, take issue with my words, pick apart the Bible... and/or my use of it... whatever. You know... as do I, and now, many others here... that you received exactly what you hoped for.

    And so the RIGHT thing to do now, dear one,rather than blame the Most Holy One of Israel... rather than slander Him as a "bad parent" (and, yes, that is what you are doing, which makes you... a what?)... would be to take a step back and ask yourself, "Is God REALLY to blame... as I am insistently doing here... or am I? Is it POSSIBLE that the reason His Son's voice isn't audible to ME... actually lies with ME?"

    But doing what is RIGHT is hard, dear one... and looking at ONESELF... in TRUTH... is even harder. We are, after all, in Adam's image (not God's)... and so we quite easily fall into that one's "pattern" of blaming others for OUR disobedience... and lack of faith. The TRUTH, dear NVL, is that you don't WANT God or Christ to speak to you. Because if you DID... they WOULD.

    I mean, at least dear Outlaw is HONEST. He says, "I don't know if I want to hear a spirit speaking to me." That is honesty. He does not blame God for NOT speaking to him, but acknowledges that he isn't even sure if he WANTS God to speak to him.

    Moving on...

    With regard to my use of the Bible... you are absolutely right. And I cannot TELL you how much I truly HATE that I have to do so. I would SO much rather just share these things with you and others... (omigosh and SO much more that IS written but NOT necessarily in "the Bible"!)... and simply have your SPIRITS bear witness to the TRUTH of them. Without ANY of us ever having to even crack open a Bible. But the Adversary and earthling man have played SO much WITH your spirits... have used the Bible to create SO much doubt IN the Most Holy One of Israel... and His Son, the Holy One of Israel... that I ask you: just how far would sharing without using the Bible have gotten me with you? Truly? YOU are the one who questions the events surrounding Moses, Thomas, etc., events that YOU know of because of "the Bible." If I were to respond to you as I HEAR from my Lord... you would be among to FIRST to cry, "Oh, wait, now, where is THAT written 'in the Bible'?"

    Yet, everyone one of these very same things I've share I could have shared without one single scripture or verse. For example, I told you of the angel in the bush NOT because I read of it in the Bible... but because I've SEEN it! I saw the area onthe mountain. I saw the "bush" (and it really isn't what we today would call a bush but was actually a smallish tree). I saw Moses hiding behind the outcrop, in the shallow "cave" trying with all of his might not to look. And I SAW... the glory of the Most Holy One of Israel come down into that clearing... and fill it. I saw it move about... "inspecting" the area... and "inspecting" Moses. It did not touch the ground, not at all, but stayed, at all times, about 1.5 above the ground. I saw the seraph in the bush, "burning" like white fire.

    HOW did I see it? By looking at the One we were told to look at: Christ. The Mirror. The IMAGE of the living God. I look at HIM... and see all sorts of wonderous things. I listen to HIM... and I HEAR all sorts of wonderous things. Yes, I SEE these things... and I HEAR them. I admit it and profess it... and perhaps one day it will all come back upon me because of THIS world. But I cannot apologize for or deny them... because then I might as well apologize for and deny my own existence. Which I simply cannot do. Why? One reason: it would be a LIE. I cannot deny what I hear and see simply to make people feel "good." That is what RELIGION DOES! Tell you what you WANT to hear... to make you "feel good." LIES to you. And then... misleads you into darkness and the pit... while robbing your houses, stealing your money, and sacrificing your children. I am no part of that... and cannot be a part of that ever again.

    So, don't believe me. I cannot care, truly. Because whether you believe me or not will not add or take away one cubit from my lifespan; but were I to deny it... and so show myself "ashamed" of Christ... in front of you or in front of ANY being, physical or spirit... I might not only lose a cubit of this lifespan... but my eternal life. Perhaps even my childrens' because they would certainly be "stumbled," wouldn't they? And making you "feel good" just isn't worth it.

    So, yes, let's leave off this discussion. You do not "see" or "hear" what I am saying, any more than you hear Christ speak to you... and for the very same reason. You don't really want to. So be it. I wish you absolutely no illwill, but only ears TO hear... if YOU so wish it.

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • GromitSK
    Bring out the champagne! We have a winner! Someone understands Shelby! Congratulations... I think

    Ha! It's a first for me too. I hardly every understand anything anyone says.

  • notverylikely

    Your case is entirely different from Thomas', dear one. In Thomas' case, Thomas believed from the start.

    There you go again, presuming you know something about me and using your imagination to fill the blanks to make your point. You can't do that. I did beleive too, and then had doubts.

    Be all of that as it may, it was what he said to Thomas NEXT that is of importance and takes into consideration YOUR case:

    That is completely irrelevant to my point, which you are doing your best to avoid. Having faith seems to be irrelevant when god (and in this case, we are specifically talking about jesus) when god is making the decision to physically manifest himself. Again, see Balaam, Neb, Thomas, Moses, etc.

    Now, you want to put yourself on the same "level" as Thomas and say, "Well, unless I HEAR [with my ears] or SEE [with my eyes]... I won't believe."

    Why not? Are we not all human? Are you saying Thomas, by virtues OF NOT having faith, was more special? What about Judas Iscariot? He was an apostle. What about the random Israelites and Romans Jesus appeared before or passed on the street and chatted with? Were they more special than the billions living today? They weren't asking for anything but suddenly there was the son of god standing there in the street doing miracle. Many of them had no idea who Jesus even was or, of they did, had no faith (like Romans and the Pharisees). They had no faith and weren't asking for anything.

    But I cannot apologize for or deny them... because then I might as well apologize for and deny my own existence. Which I simply cannot do. Why? One reason: it would be a LIE.

    No one is asking you to.

    I mean, at least dear Outlaw is HONEST.

    Most children are. They still act like children and need to be treated as such, however.

    With regard to my use of the Bible... you are absolutely right. And I cannot TELL you how much I truly HATE that I have to do so. I would SO much rather just share these things with you and others...

    OK, so, at this point you are kind of saying you are completely uninspired by God. You said parts of the bible are uninspired, you quote them ad also tell me you have had god bear witness of the same things to you in visions. If they are uninspired and yet you are having that same uninspired witness borne to you, then that makes you uninspired as well.

    HOW did I see it? By looking at the One we were told to look at: Christ. The Mirror.

    What about Muslims or Tibetans or or native americans 300 years ago? They weren't told to look at christ.

    But I cannot apologize for or deny them... because then I might as well apologize for and deny my own existence. Which I simply cannot do. Why? One reason: it would be a LIE.

    No one is asking you to. At least, I am not.

    So, don't believe me. I cannot care, truly.

    Yet you still keep posting. Your actions say different than your words. Truly the Christian way.

    So, yes, let's leave off this discussion. You do not "see" or "hear" what I am saying, any more than you hear Christ speak to you... and for the very same reason. You don't really want to. So be it.

    Sure. Let's leave it off. At this point, you have said that everyone that seeks god can hear his spirit speaking to them. When some say they can't, you presume to know enough about them to explain why. You presume to put yourself on the same level as the prophets and apostles (that was with the whole "equating yourself with thomas" comment). You fill in the blanks about other peoples lives to explain why they aren't good enough to hear the voices when you don't know anything about that person. you call the most of the bible uninspired and then use to defend your visions of the same things without understanding that is equating your visions with what you just called uninspired works. Every case in the bible with Jesus or the voice of god or god himself appearing is a "speacial case" that you say I can't use for my argument. Well, if every case is special, then none are special! The person sitting next to Jesus when he had to take a dump along the side of the road must have been a special case too, then. You painted yourself into a corner, then painted your feet, then your entire body to avoid answering questions about which you said you knew the answers, at least, until your answer didn't make sense (unless, of course, you decide to ignore the bits you don't like, which is, in fact, a pretty christian thing to do).

    Your humility in presuming to say god has revealed to you what he has revealed to no others and to tell people what is wrong with them is truly truly astoundingly awesomely the exact opposite of humility. And you are too blind to see it. So, yeah, I would totally agree that you are a perfect example of a Christian.

  • Lillith26

    Hello Shelby,

    I had to come to back and see how everyone was doing- catch up a little... you are still being misinterpreted by most hey? I have so missed reading your posts lately... you keep me on my toes and honest, Thank you.

    Keep on keeping on... your doing great!




    Your reply is nonsense..

    Those are not reasons. I could not believe the sun will rise tomorrow but that won't stop it, just like god when he wants someone to hear him.
    Conversely, I could WANT it to rise but that won't be the reason it
    does. And since neither you nor Shelby know me in the slightest, you couldn't possibly have any insight into the second reason.

    The sun is an object,incapable of replying to you..

    God is supposed to be a person capable of talking to anyone..Your inability to see the difference is not surprising..

    People laughed at the idea that the titanic could sink, that the germans could take over the words or that tiny invisible bugs existed. Did you have a point?

    People laughed that the Titanic could sink?.......Germans could take over the Words?.....Tiny invisible bugs exist?..

    What does any of that have to do with the topic?..Your reply is Gibberish..

    But I do see them when I look at the monitor.
    If it were god, the screen would be blank and I would have to squint hard and believe that the words were there,I suppose.
    Now, you can't drink with the adults until you grow up and can learn how to have an adult discussion and debate.
    No milk or cookies or juice for you. You can have your Boots the monkey doll for your nap, though.

    Just more nonsense,you think is clever..Are you Aware your an Idiot?..LOL!!

    I learned that Outlaw can't hold an adult conversation but will defend you as best as he is able...

    Shelby needs no defense..Shelby sometimes needs my help to explain,what she is trying to say though..

    Shelby may have beliefs I don`t share..But..I understand her..

    Your posts to both Shelby and myself are psychotic..Personally I don`t care what a Nutcase has to say..

    You really should be nicer to Shelby though..

    She has treated you with nothing but understanding and kindness..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • AGuest

    Dearest Gromit, Lillith (love the photo!), and Outlaw... peace to you all and, as always, thank you for your kind words! My apologies for responding so late - a little "under the weather" and a bit exhausted by my commute these past few days. Needed a day or so of rest, I'm sure yo understand.

    Dear, dear, Outlaw... or shall I call you "Cephas"? - LOLOLOLOL! Please do not worry regarding NVL's words or position. He/she doesn't understand... yet; he/she (I am leaning toward "she")... is just one of those who THINK they do... who think they "get" me, but because I am really not like the other "christians" he/she has known, really doesn't. I also get it that he/she doesn't really want to do that, either. Or "get
    the Most Holy One of Israel... or His Son and Christ. But that's okay. Most fall into that category, too, unfortunately. No worries on my part, though. As I've said, the sheep are not mine... it is not me who calls them... nor is it to MY words that anyone should listen. I am not the Fine Shepherd; I am merely a servant - his, God's Household, Israel, and those who go with that House... and the world's. You know why I am here - I have said it many times. However, I will make one last response, if you dear folks don't mind, because NVL has made some statements that I believe need to be addressed. Not particularly for him/her, but any others who MIGHT be watching and listening... including the angels.

    In that light, dear NVL (may you have peace!):

    There you go again, presuming you know something about me and using your imagination to fill the blanks to make your point. You can't do that. I did beleive too, and then had doubts.

    I'm not presuming, dear NVL, truly. I know it's hard to fathom some of what I am sharing with you here. I know. I am certain that at some point I would have felt the same way as you, had someone shared similar with me. I think the difference between you and me, though, is that even if I doubted them... I would have asked. I would have gone to God, through Christ... and asked. I would have said, "Hey, this NVL is saying all sorts of things and asserting that they are truth. I NEED you to show me if he/she IS speaking the truth. How can I know? MAKE me know." That's me. That's the kind of "christian" that I am. Did I do that with the WT? No, not at first. I "trusted" them... until I started thinking that perhaps I couldn't. That is another thing about me: I tend to do it "backward" and trust... and respect... others... unless and until someone gives me a reason not to. Once I perceived that the WT was lying (which I did when they had "problems" with me partaking - why would anyone have problems with me partaking??!!! What concern is it of anyone else's???)... I had to question most everything else. And I did. Including there "pushing" of the Father in front of the Son... when the Father said it was the SON whom HE had appointed and for us to listen to.

    I heard that... ummm... directive. To listen to the Son. Versus anyone else. Including the WTBTS. But I didn't KNOW him in order TO listen to him. And so I ASKED to know God's Son, Christ. And I received what I "hoped" for.

    With regard to my statements that what my Lord said to Thomas NEXT that is of importance and takes into consideration YOUR case, you responded:

    That is completely irrelevant to my point, which you are doing your best to avoid. Having faith seems to be irrelevant when god (and in this case, we are specifically talking about jesus) when god is making the decision to physically manifest himself. Again, see Balaam, Neb, Thomas, Moses, etc.

    I explained to you why my Lord showed Thomas the holes in his body... and that Thomas received a rebuke for even asking or needing it. That is what I explained earlier: that one doesn't WANT to have to have a manifestation in that way because, with the EXCEPTION of a few, including Moses, it's not a GOOD thing. Now, you may think a rebuke by Christ such as Thomas received was no big deal. As one joined to Christ by means of holy spirit, I have to disagree. It causes the spirit GREAT grief. Thomas had not yet received the promised holy spirit, so perhaps he didn't feel such grief. I believe, however, that he was greatly chagrined about it. Others have lost their lives as a result. My point is that it SHOULDN'T take that. Which is what I believe I stated.

    Regarding my statement that you now wish to put yourself on Thomas' level, you respond:

    Why not? Are we not all human? Are you saying Thomas, by virtues OF NOT having faith, was more special?

    Thomas, dear one, had already shown his faith by following Christ. That he lacked faith in this one thing didn't undermine the faith he had shown previously. And his LACK of faith didn't make him special, other than to put him in line to receive a rebuke. If being rebuked by the Christ makes one "special," then I guess you could say, yes, Thomas was "more special." But I am SURE that's not the "special" he WANTED to be.

    Also, although, yes, we are all human, we are not all the same in all respects. Christ is cornerstone of God's temple. The 12 were not the same as he. The 12 apostles are the foundation of God's temple. The Prophets, including Moses, were not the same as they. Some will be pillars. Some not so much. Each one is set in the Body [of Christ] as GOD wills is... not as we will it. The issue is not WHERE one is in the Body/Temple... but IF one is... REGARDLESS of where. Indeed, sometimes the "high" seat in a place... is actually the "lowly" seat. Below, you discuss my [lack of] humility. But I would have to say that, in this discussion, at least, your question demonstrates that lack on your part.

    What about Judas Iscariot? He was an apostle.

    I don't understand your question. Judas Iscariot had faith. He knew who my Lord was. Yet, his "love of money" led him to betray my Lord... and his. He, though, had SENSE enough to realize what he had done... and who it was he betrayed.

    What about the random Israelites and Romans Jesus appeared before or passed on the street and chatted with? Were they more special than the billions living today?

    I believe you have just answered your own question. Hint: the key word here is "random" (you know, versus everyone...).

    They weren't asking for anything but suddenly there was the son of god standing there in the street doing miracle. Many of them had no idea who Jesus even was or, of they did, had no faith (like Romans and the Pharisees). They had no faith and weren't asking for anything.

    I beg to differ. NO ONE who received the benefit of a miracle lacked faith. Indeed, it was BECAUSE of their faith... or the faith of someone asking on their behalf... that they received such. As for bystanders who also saw these things, funny thing: most, EVEN THOUGH SEEING SUCH MIRACLES... did not put faith in him! Indeed, they went off due to various things, including fear of man, wanting the glory of men (vs. the glory of God), and their own personal lives and distractions. And that is my POINT... and the point of my Lord to Thomas: "Because you see you believe? Happy are those who DON'T see and yet believe." The people who RECEIVED the benefit of the miracles hadn't SEEN a miracle... but only perhaps HEARD of them. But they BELIEVED what they HEARD... and exercised faith by going to my Lord and asking for THEMSELVES.

    You have heard all that I have shared with you here. Yet, you do not ASK. And my point to you is that even if you DO see... that does NOT mean you will have faith in God and Christ, even then. Because... it boils down to what you WANT. That is what is MEANT by the words, "If anyone is lacking in WANT."

    You make a very interesting... but accurate... statement regarding dear Outlaw. When I stated that he is honest, you replied:

    Most children are. They still act like children and need to be treated as such, however.

    You do not know the TRUTH of what you've stated... or its benefit. Indeed, his "child-like" heart is WHY he understands what I share. Because my Lord is recorded to have said:

    “Truly I say to YOU , Unless YOU turn around and become as young children, YOU will by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens." Matthew 18:3

    Do you know why he said that? Because ADULTS... tend to lack faith. Let me show you. Say you take your 3-year-old fishing. You're standing at the edge of a beautiful lake. You see a dragonfly light on a piece of plant about, oh, 12 feet or so out. Your toddler is delighted. You turn to the infant and say, "Honey, walk out there and get that dragonfly and bring it back to Mommy/Daddy." I ask you, what is the child going to do? Okay, so about an hour later, you're in the same spot. Baby is napping and now spouse is with you. Same dragonfly appears... lands on same plant. Your honey goes, "Hey, look at that!" You turn to him/her and say, "Honey, walk out there and get that dragonfly and bring it back to me." I ask you, what is Honey going to do?

    It is your ADULT mind, dear NVL, that prevents you from believing. It has come too far and seen too much (in a physical way), so that all it CAN fathom is that which is physical. But, my Lord said you must TURN AROUND. Go BACK. To the FREEDOM you had as child. In thinking, in hearing, AND in seeing. And, yes, it can be done.

    But... one has to HUMBLE oneself, doesn't one, in order to do this? One has to leave off worrying about what OTHERS might think of one (little children don't have a CLUE about such things, do they, what others think of them... until such OTHERS... usually adults... voice or otherwise manifest disapproval, dissent, disagreement, dislike, etc. Right? But they don't usually care what other children think... and will stand up to them, won't they?).

    at this point you are kind of saying you are completely uninspired by God.

    No, I am not kind of saying that at all. While it is true that I am not ALWAYS in spirit, I am quite often in spirit. And that is what "inspired" means: to be IN SPIRIT.

    You said parts of the bible are uninspired,


    you quote them ad also tell me you have had god bear witness of the same things to you in visions. If they are uninspired and yet you are having that same uninspired witness borne to you, then that makes you uninspired as well.

    Some of what I quote to you is indeed inspired. The writer was in spirit and told to write. Some of what I quote wasn't inspired, but still makes sense or is wise. ALL of the visions I've shared were inspired. I was absolutely in spirit when I received them. However, what I am sharing with you right now is not inspired, because I am not in spirit as I write it.

    What about Muslims or Tibetans or or native americans 300 years ago? They weren't told to look at christ.

    Muslims... who are the seed of Abraham through Ishmael, certainly were. When God turned His attention "to the nations"... Ishmael's seed was certainly included. Unfortunately, "Ishmael's" rivalry with "Isaac" has prevented that for some. But not all. He sent the angel Michael to the Native Americans... whom they later worshipped as "Quetzalcoatl." So, they were given opportunity, too. As for Tibetans, whom do you think the Dali Lama is patterned after? Dear one... ALL have had opportunity to hear, at least as far as their "nation" goes. If those who heard chose not to tell their children... or chose to taint what they heard and saw with local customs, tradition, superstitions, and beliefs... who is to blame?

    God will chose out of EVERY nation... tribe... tongue... and people. People who are Tibetan of descent, as well as Arab... as well as Native American (who are actually long-lost relatives of Job, Abraham, Terhan, Haran, Lot, etc.).

    Yet you still keep posting. Your actions say different than your words. Truly the Christian way.

    I post, first, to work out MY salvation. How can I say I hear... and yet tell no one? That's not faith IN the thing heard. If you BELIEVE what you hear/see... then have NO problem telling others about it, right? Second, it is prophesied:

    "the Spirit and the Bride keep on saying: “Come!” And let anyone hearingsay: “Come!” And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free." Revelation 22:17

    I hear. How can I claim to hear and yet, not say "Come!"? Would THAT be a demonstration of my actions saying different than my words, dear one? Yet, I have been joining the Spirit, my Lord, and his Bride in declaring that invitation virtually from the moment I began hearing.

    you have said that everyone that seeks god can hear his spirit speaking to them.


    When some say they can't, you presume to know enough about them to explain why.

    Well, no, not quite. I don't know... but my Lord does. That he shares that with me is beyond my control, unfortunately.

    You presume to put yourself on the same level as the prophets and apostles (that was with the whole "equating yourself with thomas" comment).

    I have not put myself on such a level. Paul was neither a prophet nor one of the 12... yet, you and most people (who put their faith in the Bible) "listen" to him. Luke was neither a prophet nor an apostle. Nor was Mark. Yet, you and [most people] "listen" to them. I listen to the MASTER of ALL of these, and mine, Christ. And he is the One I am suggesting YOU listen to.

    You fill in the blanks about other peoples lives to explain why they aren't good enough to hear the voices when you don't know anything about that person.

    No one said you weren't GOOD enough, dear NVL... and that statement... and similar ones... are perhaps the reason my Lord keeps permitting me to respond to you. You have been misled. NO ONE IS GOOD ENOUGH. Not even the Prophets. Not even the Apostles. We are granted holy spirit by means of UNdeserved kindness. UN... deserved. NO ONE deserves it. There is nothing we can do to EARN it. It is by means of God's MERCY... which mercy, I... a foremost sinner... have been shown. But I was shown it NOT because I demanded of God to give me anything... but simply because I responded when He called me. A tiny little bit of faith. I responded, my Lord revealed himself, I asked him some questions, he poured out holy spirit on me to "wash me" ('cause, my Lord KNOWS I needed "washin'")... and made me "clean"... so that I could hear... and see... even more.

    you call the most of the bible uninspired

    It is...

    and then use to defend your visions of the same things without understanding that is equating your visions with what you just called uninspired works.

    Okay, now I am about to share something "inspired." My Lord directs me to ask you: what corroborated the vision when Moses saw it? Who saw it besides him? Yet, we trust that he DID see... because "the Bible" says he did. Because... it is "written." But those to whom Moses related the event... what writing did they have to look to? What of the visions of Ezekiel? Daniel? John? Where were such things "written"? They saw what they saw... and then were told to write. But what if you had lived in their day? Would you have believed it then?

    Again, the ONLY reason I use what is written in the Bible is because, for some, they cannot believe... unless they see it. However, I have absolutely shared some things here that are NOT written in the Bible.

    Every case in the bible with Jesus or the voice of god or god himself appearing is a "speacial case" that you say I can't use for my argument.

    Well, no, that's not true and if that's what you got from what I shared, then I apologize. I did not mean to imply that at all. Daniel saw and heard my Lord. Ezekiel saw many things. John, too. And many others. Such things were NOT, however, in the manner as with, say, Thomas. Or Moses.

    Well, if every case is special, then none are special! The person sitting next to Jesus when he had to take a dump along the side of the road must have been a special case too, then. You painted yourself into a corner, then painted your feet, then your entire body to avoid answering questions about which you said you knew the answers, at least, until your answer didn't make sense

    Some are different than others, dear NVL, and for a number of reasons. You want a manifestation in the manner of, say, Pharaoh or Thomas. Or Balaam or Moses. I explained Moses situation (he had a great work to do). I explained Thomas' situation (he was rebuked for it). And I explained that "in most cases" it was NOT A GOOD THING... to demand or receive a physical manifestation in the way you're meaning. I have tried to explain that you didn't hear because you didn't WANT to hear... and that had you truly WANTED to, you would have. ALL of these instances, excluding John's revelation... occurred BEFORE the outpouring of holy spirit... which is the MEANS by which we NOW hear and see.

    (unless, of course, you decide to ignore the bits you don't like, which is, in fact, a pretty christian thing to do).

    The truth is that I'm trying not to ignore ANY of what you respond. I am usually pretty thorough. It seems to ME, however, that you don't WANT to hear what I am stating... and so it makes sense to me that you DON'T. You are stuck on, "Why isn't God showing Himself to ME... what is wrong with HIM..." when the TRUE question is "What is wrong with ME (you)?" which you don't want to hear. And the answer is that it has absolutely NOTHING to do with your "unworthiness" (again, we are ALL unworthy)... but with your CHOICE. The TRUE choice... of your HEART. If you TRULY... WANTED... to hear... you WOULD. I promise you.

    But... you would rather misdirect your self-perception of "unworthiness" on the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... erroneously concluding that He doesn't want to speak to you. He absolutely DOES want to. YOU, however, have to WANT... to HEAR. Look in the MIRROR... and not out the window, dear one.

    no others and to tell people what is wrong with them is truly truly astoundingly awesomely the exact opposite of humility.

    First, I do not profess humility, dear one. It wouldn't be up to me to say that I am or am not. That I say I am... doesn't make me so. That others perceive me as such doesn't make it so. It really is only what the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, and His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, perceive about me. I will say, however, that telling someone the TRUTH... does not negate humility. Sometimes, it really is a manifestation. Particularly if such telling is at the direction of the Holy Spirit. To choose and obey that Spirit... over popularity and/or flattery... can be construed as a bit of humility...

    And you are too blind to see it.

    Perhaps. I do not deny that there are somethings I do not see.

    So, yeah, I would totally agree that you are a perfect example of a Christian.

    Now that I would vehemently disagree with. There is only One who is the "perfect" example, and I don't come anywhere near that example. Try as I might, I will never get there while in this vessel. Praise JAH, however, that One provided a ransom so that I don't have to.

    I bid you the greatest of love and peace, dear NVL... and, again, ears to hear, of you so wish it... when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:

    "Come! Take life's water... the holy spirit of God... by means of which those who partake see and hear and so are led into ALL truth... which spirit is poured out from the innermost parts of THE Truth, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, who is the Son and Christ, of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... FREE!"

    A slave of Christ, and servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with... and the world...


  • minimus

    Listen to my voice............

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