The generation changed is explained in the June 15'th WT!

by life is to short 135 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • donuthole

    As I read it the new mag makes clear that at this time the official explanation is not multiple overlapping generations but two. Now granted it could conceivably be stretched further to include another generation but that will have to wait until this one is spent. Right now it is just two generations, the "old" annointed and the "new" annointed. (Or more specifically the old leadership and the new leadership.)

    The numerous changes to generation pre-1995 were prompted by time constraints due to the growing gap from 1914. However, the two previous changes expanded the time indefinitely. This new change was not prompted by a time crunch as they had already detached a single lifespan from 1914. So what are the reasons?

    From Barr's talk you can see that this new generation teaching renews that sense of urgency that the pre-95 teachings had. It gives you a group to look at, the current "young" Governing body, and start watching them get older and older, knowing that the end will come before they all die off.

    But I think there is more to it. If you take this change in teaching with the general tone of the Watchtower of late, there is a real sense of the Governing Body seeking legitimacy. The new generation teaching acts is sort of a passing of the baton, from the former group to the new. That is also the importance of Barr, one of the old guard, giving this talk at the annual meeting.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    That is a good point donuthole. Barr is the oldest GB member there is. I never thought of of it, but it clearly is the reason they used him. Barr is late 90 and is pushing a 100 years of age. The more I know of this religion th more it just makes me sick that I was part of it.

  • sir82
    From Barr's talk you can see that this new generation teaching renews that sense of urgency that the pre-95 teachings had. It gives you a group to look at, the current "young" Governing body, and start watching them get older and older, knowing that the end will come before they all die off.

    It also seems to preclude any new "young" additions to the GB. If the current "young" GBers are the members of that 2nd generation and the urgency comes from watching them grow old, well, they can't be adding new 50-year old members every so often.

    In order for this change to grant any sense of "urgency", they either have to add no one, or only add add old dudes, guys in their 60's or above.

    So all you "young anointed" guys with a sense of ambition - too bad! The GB has closed the door on you!

    However, if you are a retiring CO or DO or heck maybe even a "well-respected" COBE, and your in your 60's or beyond, and are afraid of being "put out to pasture" - well, now is the time to start partaking. Barr and Jaracz don't have much time left - they'll need to make at least 2 new selections soon.

  • OnTheWayOut

    This new change was not prompted by a time crunch as they had already detached a single lifespan from 1914. So what are the reasons?

    So many reasons such as already listed here. I do believe restoring urgency to JW's is the primary reason. I proposed one other reason: This latest nulite allows JW's to think that all the old-light was leading to this. Belief in the 1914 generation never passing away was the anchor of modern JW's. Here's what might go through a JW's mind:

    "Why would God mislead us? Well, nulite says that was sort of, but not quite what the Governing Body should have discerned. Perhaps God didn't mislead us, but the 1914 generation would not pass away in some other way. The 1995 teaching was leading them toward letting go of the idea that it was a single lifetime. The 2008 change to "anointed" was finally getting on track and with 2010's clarification, we see there is really a need for urgency."

  • DaCheech

    JESUS "evidently" meant that the DaCheech should reign over all of you

  • Mary

    Evidently, DaCheech has been smokin' crack again. Evidently, Surely this is another fine indication that Jehover is blessing his efforts to become our new Master.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    But I think there is more to it. If you take this change in teaching with the general tone of the Watchtower of late, there is a real sense of the Governing Body seeking legitimacy. The new generation teaching acts is sort of a passing of the baton, from the former group to the new. That is also the importance of Barr, one of the old guard, giving this talk at the annual meeting.

    I can see this as a very important angle to the GB. They've hyped the GB as blatantly as ever lately. Why? Because the current makeup of the GB is hardly any different from the makeup of any local congregation's body of elders. You have a few guys in their 50s, a few in their 60s, a couple in their 70s and a couple late-geriatrics who have "slowed down."

    What reason does a 60 year-old guy in your local congregation who has been an elder for the last 30 years and PO/CoBE for the last 20 have for listening to the dictates of a group of guys he would under normal circumstances consider his peers? They have nothing to show that they're superior to him, especially if he sips and nibbles at the Memorial.

    So they present pro-GB articles in the Kool-Aid WT and KM. They introduce "new light" that legitimizes them as Borg: The Next Generation.

    As the rank and file Dubs fall into line, the elder with any normal legitimate self-esteem ends up having to conform simply to maintain his position. The only other option is to step down (as MANY are doing) and get out of the leadership game. Often, that's a step toward a fade, fortunately.

    So the recent attitude of the GB is only going to serve to reinforce the robotlike servitude of the Dubs who stay while encouraging more and more to leave.

  • wannabefree

    The pointless thing is even trying to make sense of it at all.

    Whereas it may be contrived to convey a sense of urgency now, in a few years, the overlapping generations can be extended out to Jesus evidently meant two overlapping generations of 70-80 years each. At that future possible evidently, if one of the anointed was BORN in 1914, died in 2014, an upcoming anointed born before he died would be around on earth during the great tribulation. Could potentially be a 200 year overlapping generation.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I don't care to make sense of the doctrine itself, as it makes no real sense anyway. I'm far more interested in the motives behind it and how it will affect those loved ones we still have trapped in this cult.

  • DaCheech

    Mary, I'm smoking the WT approved crack

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