I have two questions for Password Protected. I hope that he answers them both. If he doesn't answer them, i may feel that i've wasted my time with this post, & that's not a pleasant feeling
But that said, anyone can answer them if they wish to.
Firstly though, i'd like to aplogise for the amount of brackets i'm going to use in this post. Secondly, i disagree with the premise of the question, as i do not agree that an atheist (or anyone in fact) with a naturalist / materialist worldview only believes in physical matter & energy, & i genuinely believe that Password Protected is being disingenuous (albeit maybe on a mere subconscious level) in asserting such a thing. A naturalist / materialist worldview means that someone only accepts (& even then, only tentatively accepts) what can be demonstrated to be real / true, whether it is counterintuitive or not. Physical matter & energy can be demonstrated to be real (yes the universe could be an elaborate hoax, an illusion, but there is no pressing reason to think that) & logic & mathematics can be demonstrated to be real. From a pragmatic perspective, which is arguably the scientific perspective, concepts such as logic & maths are just as real as matter & energy due to their usefulness & effectiveness in achieving certain things, they are a means to an end. So i see no contradiction.
BUT (here is my first question), if i were to accept that there were a contradiction, purely for the sake of argument, which i am willing to in this thread, then i would like to ask this: If the 'atheist worldview' is contradictory, then does that mean that the 'theistic worldview' is automatically, by default, the best worldview to have? What do you think? Is the theistic worldview void of any contradictions of it's own? Would you be willing to claim that it isn't? I'm not going to say that it is, i'm just asking what you think.
Also (here is my second question), if i were to come to the conclusion that the theistic worldview is the sound alternative that you evidently think it is (& that's not just based on reading this thread, your posts in previous threads have informed that observation of you), then what should i do about it? Would just accepting it as a fact be enough? I know i'm going off topic here, but i think it's important. If i accept theism, & agree that there is a God, can i leave it at that? Or is it imperative that i take some further steps in order to be on God's good side. You know what i'm asking here, is it enough to just accept that God exists? Or do i have to have 'faith' as well. Do i have to accept Jesus as my lord & saviour? Do i have to go to church & give money to the church & vote how the church wants me to vote & evangelize, either explicitly by preaching the word, or implicitly by leading a certain way of life for others to see.
I would appreciate an answer to both of those questions, thanks in advance