I said today's liberals.
So, the new deal, regulation of financial agencies....those are things today that democrats hate and republicans are for? Oh wait, it's generally reversed. FDR fits the same platform as todays Democratic party. Fail again.
By piling into LeavingWT's thread on the analysis of the times square bombing attempt, agreeing with Contessa nutbar Brewer, and trying to turn the discussion into "the danger innocent Muslims face from redneck Americans..."
If he didn't want people in the thread maybe he shouldn't have started it. If you accurately were representing what Brewer said it would need no defense. And people like Sam Whiskey are the ones suspecting all muslims and brown people.
Many liberals are still in denial that this guy was a Talibanist radical and desperately wanted him to be a Tea Party conservative.
Fail. No one said the wanted him to be anything. The freakin police report said it was a white guy which is what was reported.