France to Fine Women Wearing Full-Faced Islamic Veils

by leavingwt 54 Replies latest social current

  • mf6

    France should not attempt to regulate religion. If people want to obey their religion by wearing certain clothing, so be it.

    This action (forbidding certain clothing) by France is racist.

    There are many muslims in France. I've read they are roughly 8% of the population. If they want to exercise their religion, so be it. France is a democracy, yes? Get over it.

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    Oh my Gaaawd! They're now forcing us to wear burqas at gun point!

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    > We are threatened by some sick individuals formed into terrorist cells. Islam is no threat

    the people who called for the jihad against that danish newspaper where no sick "al-qaida" terrorist cell members, those where average muslims who can't controll their religious rage.

    >There are many muslims in France. I've read they are roughly 8% of the population. If they want to exercise their religion, so be it.

    and most of those muslims don't wear burkas. it's probably some 2000 in france wearing a burka. hiding your face behind a mask is forbidden for everybody else, islamists shouldn't be treated any different.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am exiting this discussion. Thoughts are not conveyed. Ignorant fears, devoid of facts, are on grand display. What do I expect from former Jehovah's Witnesses. It is very possible to condemn terrorism without expanding it globally to Moslems. Moslem is the correct term. Islamic fundamentalists or Islamic terrorists (referring to a few). How many Christians condemned the Holocaust? Do you know how many white progressive churches submitted amicus briefs in the early civil rights movement such as Brown v. Board of Education? None. Later, a few did but it was much later. Those who do not study history are condemend to repeat it.

    All of this has not been referenced by facts from reputable sources. Rather, it is gut baased fear. There can be no discussion. Ugly photos and graphics do not forward conversation.

    I am donating money to the Red Crescent b/c of the ugly nature of this discussion. It revealed much to me that I'd prefer not to see, particularly in the so-called land of the free. Step right up here, give away your rights to the WTBTS. Now, step right up here and causally toss your civl rights and liberties aside because of a knee jerk fear of Moslems. The second step allows Al-Qaeda a victory they can never achieve by flying planes into buildings.

  • NeckBeard

    I am exiting this discussion.

    Why? Can't you take a dissenting opinion?

    Thoughts are not conveyed. Ignorant fears, devoid of facts, are on grand display.

    No The responses to you are factual. You started fearmongering about the right wing and the use of terminology and got called on it with FACTS by J.Hofer and LeavingWT. NYT and PBS are hardly right wing enterprises.

    There is an ignorant fact-challenged fearmonger on display on this thread, and it is you.

    By the way, for someone that claims an Ivy League education, you write like shit. I'd be asking for a refund if I were you.

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