Since when does voting for a president, I mean puppet change anything? Change is at the TOP ... THE PRESIDENT IS NOT AT THE TOP. GOOGLE CFR/TRILATERAL/BILDEBERG. Any who think differently are part of the sheeple class ;-) ... you know who you are
Who Would You Like To See As President Of The USA In The Next Election?
by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends
Don't know yet who I might want but I know 2 that I don't want.
(1) Obama, even though I voted for him.
(2) Palin. Nuttier than squirrel turds.
Amen to that Sooner!
Sooner, and others. I would ask you this, does it matter who runs against Obama???? Or will you just vote for anyone else no matter who they are and what they espouse?
I still think Ron Paul would be the best. And, beks, no I wouldn't vote for someone just because they were running against Obama. I'd have to weigh their attributes and vote for the lesser of the two evils.
Ron Paul, and his liberal mirror image Dennis Kucinich, both have interesting and very often on target opinions. But they are too extreme, we need more like them in the Congress and Senate, but they are not presidential material.
His son Rand Paul is making news. Frankly, Libertarian views are not viable.
I think if Ron Paul were in office, he'd have to moderate himself in order to get anything through Congress, so I think having a Libertarian in the White House would be a good thing. He'd be above the fray, not part of the Dems or Repubs.
And, yes, I actually watched the local news Tuesday night to see if Rand Paul won. (It's only 25 miles to KY from my house, BTW.) I was thrilled he beat Trey Grayson. We'll see what the fall brings in the Bluegrass state.
One, I think Americans are way too passive. Americans talk under their breaths, vote and then talk under their breaths again. Want change? Then do something otherwise vote and then talk under your breath. I've lived in countries where when folks were not happy they forced the government to change through boycotts, stand-ins and sit-ins. Oh wait, we used to do that too. Americans are to afraid of losing their creature comforts to stir things up.
That having been said, I think Obama is doing the best he can with the hand he was dealt. I would love to see Michelle run but I know its not going to happen.
Second, I'm currently not a Palin fan but love her chutzpah!
Third, I'm seriously thinking about running for public office.
Sam Whiskey
Warren Buffett...
Until we get money out of politics and stop the DC/Corporate/Lobbyist revolving door, we won't get far.