Who Would You Like To See As President Of The USA In The Next Election?

by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • sooner7nc

    Tammy Bruce

  • jaguarbass

    My first choice would be Ron Paul.

    My second choice would be Dennis Kucinich.

    I know they are different and diametrically opposed.

    If either were elected I would probably grow to hate them.

    Anyways anybody but Bush.

  • Bangalore

    The next president might also be Bush. Not GW but his brother Jeb Bush. Some commentators feel that Jeb might be the Republican canidate in 2012.


  • crapola

    I'd hate to see another Bush in office.

  • DaCheech

    i want mindmelda

  • BurnTheShips
    The next president might also be Bush. Not GW but his brother Jeb Bush. Some commentators feel that Jeb might be the Republican canidate in 2012.

    Won't happen. His last name is "Bush." This is a shame, he was a great governor for us in Florida. A lot of people have floated Gen David Petraeus as a possible candidate.


  • mkr32208

    Ron Paul has unfortunatly gone screaming off the deep end, and his son is even worse. I liked him but his true colors have come out.

  • mindmelda

    I'd be running as an Independent... just warning you. LOL

    I can't think of anyone at the moment I'd like to be president, but I had the same problem in the last election. All we have to choose from are people who make me nervous, currently.

    I think McCain would have made a good president in 2000, but he's already dated now, and frankly, he's too old and pissy. He missed his chance in 2000 and the GOP oopsied not making him their 2000 candidate, but hey, that's gonna happen until the Republicans kick the dumbass Moral Majority to the curb and quit allowing them to violate separation of religion and government.

    I don't mind people practicing religion privately, and even voting their beliefs, because they will, but quit giving them an official POLITICAL platform, for hell's sake.

    We'll never get religion out of the political process itself until we pull the teeth of the moral conservatives and inform them that they're a religiously motivated movement, not a political one, so they need to quit passing off their moral agendas as conservative politics.

    I had a feeling that Obama would be all talk and less action, because he just struck me that way, but I also don't expect miracles from anyone at this point, because we're in a hella mess.

    I do like Obama's vision in some ways, but it's not realistic. I'd like to see a better educated country than we have too, with better health care, and no one would argue with that in their right mind. The big arguments are about how to get that with the money we have. It's always about money in the end, and how to spend it.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I think it will probably be Obama but it's really impossible to say for sure. I think I'd like to see Mitt Romney have a go. I don't know why McCain didn't pick him for a running mate.

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