Bonnie_Clyde, are you trying to start something? Surely, you can't be serious.
Who Would You Like To See As President Of The USA In The Next Election?
by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends
Doubtfully Yours
Let Obama finish a 2nd term, then it's Mitt Romney's turn. That I'd like.
It's ALL about The Economy, IMHO.
Personally, Hillary would be and has been my first choice.
After her, either Obama or Ron Paul would be fine.
Rub a Dub
Neil Cavuto.
with either Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul as VP.
I would vote for a hooker with 10 or more years of experience in the field... 'cause if I am going to get screwed, might as well be screwed by a professional!!!
So you'll be voting for the lizard eyed reptilian overlord ticket, then?
It'll probably be a virtual unknown.
Sarah Palin---I hope not. She got lucky because of John McCain.
Michelle Bachman/Sarah Palin ticket...........Yeah, Baby. I'll bet these two women could clean the place up, babysit the whiney-assed snot-nosed congressmen and get them to play nice together, tete-a-tete with all the neighbors while getting things accomplished in their own American household with aplomb and precision. Don't underestimate real women. And for those of you that have bought into the left-wing bullsh*t about Palin being "dumb"...please don't start.
What about Colin Powell?