I honestly don't give a crap who the president is. People are people, and if I ever did learn anything while being a Witness is that imperfect men are not going to run a perfect gov. So it really doesn't matter who is in there. That' just my 2 cents and I hope it doesn't start WW3.
Who Would You Like To See As President Of The USA In The Next Election?
by minimus 72 Replies latest jw friends
Crapola, may I suggest that if you do not care, you do not vote.
Ron Paul vs. Obama would be an awesome election, assuming Ron Paul could keep his campaign goals on the ground and Obama doesn't have any major screw-ups. Americans could sink their teeth into the issues, rather than trying to pick the lesser of 2 evils.
It won't happen... but it would be awesome if it did.
- Lime
Longcat shall bring justice to the US of A!
Plus he could wrap himself around the oil spill.
Ben Franklin.
Actually, I totally support that. Why? Ben was the master of dickjitsu...
From Cracked....
Of all the great things Ben Franklin was known for--lightning rods, bifocals, love of French prostitutes--journalistic integrity isn't on the list. But what he did have was a gigantic set he loved to show off. For one thing, Franklin wrote and distributed a supplement to the Boston Independent Chronicle reporting that American Indians were sending the British Royal Court hundreds of American scalps, the implication being that the British troops were using ruthless, child hating Indian-mercenaries to help them win the Revolutionary War.
The news outraged Americans, horrified British citizens and, when word reached the British Royal Court, deeply confused the monarchy, as they had yet to receive any scalps. Franklin wrote the supplement to garner support from European nations for the U.S., and it totally worked. The kicker? The last American Revolution battle ended in October of the previous year, which made the supplement unnecessary and balltuitous. (Balls + gratuitous. Look it up.)
Still, that's not quite as bizarre and dickish as what Franklin did to Titan Leeds. Publishing under his Richard Saunders pseudonym in his famous Poor Richard's Almanac, in between weather predictions and crop suggestions, Franklin predicted the death of Leeds, a rival almanac owner. When the predicted day arrived and Leeds, predictably, was still alive, Franklin decided to report and confirm the death anyway.
Leeds desperately published his counter-argument ("No I'm not.") but Franklin, an accomplished black belt in the subtle art of being a dick (or, "dickjitsu") pushed his lie even further and reported that, not only did Leeds die, but he was replaced by an impostor who was shamelessly hijacking the Leeds name to continue publishing almanacs. When Leeds eventually did die (five years after Franklin had predicted it), you'd think Franklin would come clean, but that's because you are, at best, a dickjitsu yellow belt.
Instead, in an act of unequaled dickishness, Franklin came out and congratulated the Leeds impostor for finally owning up to their lie and ending the whole charade (by dying). To reiterate, a guy's death is wrongfully reported, that guy tries to correct the mistake, Franklin calls him a shameless fraud and, at his death, congratulates him for dying. Textbook dickjitsu. -
Definitely, Osama Obama is out of the question. Ron Paul would make a good choice. What I would like to see is the new Twelve Visions Party put out a good candidate for office and get in, pass a constitutional amendment banning use of initiatory force and/or fraud (or threats of force), and allot nothing for our governmental regulators. This would free up people to innovate, even at the cost of making a few mistakes along the way, to ultimately improve society. In the end, we would see a truly free market handling all the things the government is doing a pxxx poor job with, and your tax dollars being used strictly for protection only.
Short of that, I don't know of any of the DUMP-o-CRAPs that are worthy of holding office, or even being called "Democrats".
We have our State primaries coming up, the choices are rich and richer, people buying their party. Its going to come down to who will do the least damage, could be the same in the next Presidential election.
Did you read the news that Haliburton's guy was put on the Government's Energy oversite team under Dick Shotgun Cheney's tenure as VP.
Sarah Palin
Mike Huckabee.