I consider it a privilege to be informed about the most influential book in Western civilization (the Bible).
I consider it a necessity to examine the history of the religious result of its influences.
I consider it a tragedy that I fell in a very deep ideological hole and lost my mind and my life for awhile. Much of my youth was utterly wasted.
I consider it very fortunate I was disfellowshipped.
I consider it incumbent upon me to point out what I've learned as a result of my having made a more skeptical examination of these matters.
I consider it a moral duty to alert anybody who will listen about the self-destructive effects of FAITH and belief.
If you accept anything into your life, your head, your mind, your world view which is CONTRADICTORY to reality you are destroying yourself.
Remember just this one little thing: Nobody can take over your mind until they cause you to doubt its effectiveness or the necessity of logical, rational non-contradictory thought.
It starts with the use of words without actual referents to real things.
It starts with metaphors instead of definitions.
It makes sweeping statements in the most general of terms and avoids specificity.
Here is an example: "To save your life you must lose it." "Love your enemies."
If you have ever been in any form of Christian belief system you will be totally UNable to see the contradictory, unrealistic and deadly message because you are instantly influenced (subliminal programming) away from the obvious irrationality contained therein.