All I can say about thr finale of "Lost" is...

by changeling 101 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I thought it was quite moving, still haven't figured it out yet though !

  • Leolaia

    I never watched it, but from hearing about it from time to time, I always assumed that they were either dead or in some weird dimension or something.

    The current show that has us enthralled is Breaking Bad. Have no idea where it will end up but it is addictive.

    Yeah mine too. Love watching Doctor Who on Saturday and then Breaking Bad on Sunday.

    I so much thought Walt was going to tell Jesse about Jane tonight, with Jesse breaking his neck falling down.

  • shopaholic

    I also found it quite moving and cried during the last 10 minutes. I was a little freaked out but almost expected Jack's father to not be in the casket. Their conversation reminded me of life after the org during the acceptance phase. It was nice to see some of the old characters. BTW, what happened to Michael and his son...they were not at the meeting place.

    My favorite lines from the last 10 minutes:

    1) "You're real. Everything that has ever happened to you is real."

    2) "Well there is no now, here."

    3) "That's why all of you are here. Nobody does it alone Jack."

    4) "To remember and to let go."

    5) Jack:" Where are we going?" Jack's Dad:" Let's go find out."

  • Deceived

    Hey Changeling!!!

    I stopped watching "Lost" after the first season, because they kept going back and forth in time and I couldn't keep track. So I am lost with the whole show and the finale would have meant nothing to me.

    So my question is..........would it be worth it to get all the 6 years of seasons and get into the Show? All the reruns are starting for everything and I need something to watch ;-)

    The season Finale of "my favorite show" is coming up tonight. 2 hours of 24. I am going to miss that show.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I don't think so, because Claire's baby got to be born, and Sun's didn't.

    Actually, Sun's baby was born after she left the island. Her and the others who left were gone for three years before coming back. She left the baby to go back to the island to look for Jin.

  • Jim_TX

    Since I don't go into 'analyzing' everything, I was a bit disappointed with the ending.

    It was almost like the writers said, "Well, we've got to end it somehow... let's make them all dead."

    As for Ben not going inside, I figured that was because he was not dead. I might be wrong on that, though - since I'm not very good at analyzing.

    Or - if he WAS dead, it was because he wasn't ready to accept that - and hence wasn't going to go inside - yet.

    Maybe they'll replay the last episode of LOST with the sub-titles - to explain it all as they go along (for those of us that are slow.)

    I just hope 24 doesn't have as sorry an ending as LOST. (At least I'm expecting Jack to go out in a blaze of glory... guns blazing... mumbled lines...)


    Jim TX

  • sir82

    I think y'all are sort of missing the point.

    The show was never "about" the island. Figuring out "what it all means" never was the point.

    IMHO, the show was about relationships, mistakes, and redemption.

    I think the points the show was trying to make is:

    1) Everyone has a choice.

    2) What happened, happened - you can't change the past.

    3) But no matter how badly you may have screwed things up, you always have a shot at redemption.

    4) In the end, what really matters is the people who are important to you.

    5) Some things will always remain a mystery.

    There are other conclusions which can be drawn, but those are the principal ones.

  • sacolton

    I thought the dead were conscious of nothing ... ? Oh, dear, pagan TV is stumbling me ...

  • jgnat

    I did not get hooked on Lost, thank goodness. I figured it would get lost in plot twists, much like X-files did. It's tough for writers to keep a mystery going year..after year...after year. I am sure they had to keep a plot bible going to keep it all straight, very much like Star Trek had to.

    Viewers can subequently entertain themselves by poking holes in the story lines, finding all the loose threads. Simple, really, to kill the cast off.

  • sacolton

    I never watched LOST, but at least ...

    1. It wasn't all a dream. (DALLAS tv series)

    2. It didn't suddenly go black. (SOPRANOS tv series)

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