So more people are turning to Christ without an affiliation with any organization. Sometimes they gather together, in person or on forums like this one, but they are keeping their faith in Christ and Christ alone. History and personal experiences have taught people that organizations are made of men, and too many of them are not worthy of trust.
All we can do is to do our best to live according to the love and mercy that Jesus taught.
Tammy, It seems to me that that is what Jesus expected to happen. Paul tried to set reasonable , practical guidelines. But as he so often says, most particularly in Galatians, do not fall back law. Faith and the Spirit will hold the Body together.
"My church doesn't bother me". If that is the highest praise we have of our present church then it proves the violence faith suffers under institutional deacons, institutional elders, institutional overseers, institutional "food". Christian gatherings do not benefit believers when we can repeat proper doctrine and no longer have faith in the son of the living God.
Can such a thing as church "work" without the impersonal hierarchy of religion? Only if there is holy spirit.
As far the problem of how to safe guard the congregations against the wolves: Apparently Jesus thought that a dedicated and healthy disciple would be well able to distinguish the difference between a true christian and a wolf--mainly because the truly dedicated have good motive "By their fruits you will know them."is how believers protect themselves. Much as you considered how you felt about the issues on this thread before you waded into it. You have good motive. and no body can make that happen in you. That this perceptive power is vested in each believer makes sense-- for any who gravitate toward such a false teacher, what can you do to stop them any way? Their heart is involved.
As far the thought of not fellowshipping with a person who has made themself an enemy of the faith? As I understand how Jesus viewed those who "hear the will of God and do it" Jesus envisioned more latitude in christian brotherhood than we now have in churches (Mark 9:38-50)
Is brotherhood an institutionally mandated relationship or a reasonable relationship considering the shared dedication and love we have for God and man? There is no fear factor in the counsel to associate with others who are seeking the Way of Christ and who are not in our "denomination" (I belong to Apollos, I belong to Paul!) Losing rigid conformity makes a genuine conversation about the way of God not only possible but more likely. Between believers and non-believers alike.
Just look at this forum.
Finally, it seems to me that when a person act as a Christian, God gets the Glory.
When we work for an institution the institution gets top billing--never God.
Holy spirit has to work to make Jesus Way clear for us. We'll fight forever if only the words in a book lead our way.
This is what I missed in the WTS