Gladiator, I respect what you have said in regards to my belief and I subscribe to that view of the beliefs of others.
Now, in regards to this:
What I find inconsistent is the way the Holy Writ can suddenly become a collection of musings to be believed or not whenever an inconvenient passage is quoted. If you think the Bible is irrelevant to your faith, fine, but why quote from it as an authority when it suits you.
The issue I have raised is about the inconsistent way the Bible is used by some Christians. The comments that you and other believers have made regarding the Bible, discredits its authenticity more than any remarks I have made, on any thread.
If your faith is not based on the bible, how do you know who you have a relationship with or what his son's name is?
It is not my desire to upset you or any believer but I do feel compled to ask how you manage to perform the mental gymnastics that you do with the Bible.
When I said that I take the bible too seriously to take it literally, that wasn't a joke ot a play on words, it was something I once read and resonated with me.
I think the issue seems to be that YOU believe the bible MUST be all of one thing and nothing or another, it must either be all stories or all facts. And that is not the case, the bible is Facts, truths, stories, parables, teachings of morals and ethics and even gives us examples of when Man does horrific acts in the name of God.
It is all that and more, but what it was never and will never be is JUST ONE THING and NOTHING ELSE.
So, yes, believers can use it for many purposes and disregards what they think it was not meant to be ( a science book for example).
And you know what?
Contrary to what the WT teaches, that is perfectly fine.
Don't be a stick in the mud dude and stop looking for ONE ROAD where there are many paths.