Perry, stop trying to "flip the script." Don't answer a question with a question. Don't prevaricate and change the subject with funny cartoons. Don't derail the thread with interdenominational warfare.
This thread is about the Flood, just the Flood, and only the Flood. I won't engage other things, here.
Others have already adequately answered the question you posed to me.
A global flood as told in the story is not possible. There is no evidence for it other than a morality story in Genesis, although there may be a nugget of truth in terms of a regional flood, which I concede is possible.
It is a story with many valences, we see obvious parallels with the Gilgamesh epic.
If the Hebrews lived in Egypt for a time, as I believe they did, they would have been familiar with how the Nile would flood in its season, bringing rich silt.
The first thing that would appear when the water level descended were mounds of this silt, small mountaintops peeking above the receding flood.
Newly silted mud. Ready to burst with life, and life giving crops.
Every year the Egyptians relived the Flood story.
Deal with reality, Perry.
The importance of the story is the moral it teaches, not that it literally happened.