The problem is when we go beyond what is written to try to explain what was written and why WE think it was written that way.
We shouldn't try to do that so much.
Jesus is God by Nature, having been begotten of God.
The HS is God's HS and as such, is God ( what else can it be?)
If you wanna view that as a trinity, great, if not, good for you too.
Did Jesus say he could raise his body? Yes.
That he laid down his life and can take it up again? yes.
Does that make him God? or the One that Raised his body from the Dead?
That depends, do you think that God and Jesus form a perfect union and that all was created through Jesus?
If you say yes then that perfect union is what raised the Body of Jesus, so did God raise Jesus? Yes and did Jesus have the power to raise himself? Yes. So did Jesus raise himself in union with God and God's HS? yes.
Does that justify the Trinity doctrine?
If you want it to, sure, if not, that's ok too.