You can't shield us from pain, pain and sorrow, evil and misery are part of the Path. The Path is what is important not the end of the rainbow. That's just my opinion.
I totally agree, as humans we tend to identify ourselves with the struggle.
Sometimes the struggle is all we have.
But that is because we are broken, incomplete, when away from The Lord.
See, God doesn't fix our problems, never has really, God gives us the strength to deal with them, God supports us and Gudies us, IF we allow God to.
Now, I know you don't believe and that's fine, I respect that, but as someone who does, I can only epxress to you MY view and ask that you try to understand it, not condone it or agree, only understand.
I know my children tend to learn the hard way, just as I did and still do, but as a Father I still try to help them, shelter them and guide them, be there when they fall and give them strength to carry on.
What else can a loving father do?
Sure I COULD dominate them completley and shelter them and protect them and dicate to them, but then they would not be them, they would be something else, I know that and even though I warn them about all the bad that I know will happen if they do this instead of that, the choice is stil theirs.
I am just there to pick up the pieces because they are my everything.