A daugther's purity

by mrsjones5 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    A young lady I know is touting on Facebook about her 12 year old daughter's purity. The daughter just took a purity promise at her church yesterday and I find that I'm slightly uncomfortable with the idea. I know the child just started her period because her mother announced it to me and the child announced it to a whole park a couple of weeks ago . I don't think the child really knows what she's doing and the parents (about 20 years younger than I) are setting her up for a fall.

    I feel that this "purity" thing is an excuse to sexualize this young girl. If she wasn't thinking about sex, she' thinking about it now. IMHO a decision to not have sex until you're ready is personal, why do some christians think it has to be announced to the world?

    P.S. And before anyone tries to make a crack about I just don't understand about keeping a daughter pure, I also have a 12 year girl (soon to be 13 in 8 days) who has just entered puberty.

  • Quandry

    I hope she's able to follow through, simply because I feel that young women are precious and should not be "used" as sex objects by boys.

    However, I hope that the parents aren't pressuring her so much that if she fall from this pedastal, she fears they won't be there for her.

  • notverylikely

    IMHO a decision to not have sex until you're ready is personal, why do some christians think it has to be announced to the world?

    Just as important, the are seeding the idea that sex is impure or dirty somehow. I mean, it CAN be dirty, but in the good way.

  • nelly136

    oook you just reminded me of these



    they had a documentary on a whiles back on the purity vow thing and girls that had 'fallen from grace' and the way they were being treated by their families....wasnt nice, wish i could remember which prog and channel.

  • mrsjones5

    I have a feeling that the parents are harping on this too much. Kids aren't perfect and some promises are hard to keep and she's only 12!

  • notverylikely

    I hope she's able to follow through, simply because I feel that young women are precious and should not be "used" as sex objects by boys.

    Wha huh?

  • sabastious

    Sexual repression... always ends well....right?


  • mrsjones5

    Yep, sexual repression is always a good plan.

  • notverylikely

    Yep, sexual repression is always a good plan.

    What, like when a girl ties me down and tickles me before sex?

  • mrsjones5

    I just found this quote on purity balls and rings and I have to say that I totally agree with the sentiment:

    " there is something supercreepy about forcing CHILDREN, who for the most part are unaware what sexual urges feel like, to make a promise not to have sex when eventually puberty does hit. Sort of like paedophilia through omission."


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