DJ... one must come or arrive BEFORE one can be present... at anything.
Ok, but I thought we were discussing Biblical terminology, which requires a bit of discernment (as @debator pointed out in his post)?
DJ, I am looking online to try to find a comprehensive list of the changes that were made to "The Time is At Hand"
1. The original text of Russell's writing contained all the predictions I have quoted and referred to and many more besides for 1914. They show that he predicted Christ's "COMING" for 1914, while they claim he was "PRESENT" from 1874.
Did you? I specifically recall the following from one of your posts, @Essan:
"In this chapter we will present the Bible evidence proving that the full end of the times of the Gentiles, i.e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men...Firstly,That at that date the Kingdom of God, for which our Lord taught us to pray, saying, "Thy Kingdom come,"will obtain full, universal control, and that it will then be "set up," or firmly established, in the earth, on the ruins of present institutions. Secondly, It will prove that he whose right it is thus to take the domination will then be present as earth’s new Ruler..." - The Time Is at Hand (SS-2), 1907 ed., p. 76-78
The book, The Time is at Hand, was originally published in 1889, but you indicated that you were not quoting from the 1889 book, but from the 1907 edition of the book.
2. Later printings of these writings deceptively edited out these failed predictions which had become an embarrassment.
Let's say that what you say here is so. Does that mean that what I quoted here was from one of these "later printings," especially when I specifically indicated in my post that I was quoting from the original book, The Time is at Hand, Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2 (1889), "Study IV, The Times of the Gentiles," pp.76-78?
3. These original texts exist and can easily be checked, and this deceptive editing verified, even online where there are scans.
You're right.
4. I have provided a link to scans of the original text.
Me, too. Use the following link to see the scan that I recently uploaded to my website from the original book, The Time is at Hand, Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2 (1889), "Study IV, The Times of the Gentiles," pp.76-78:
So they really have no excuse for them peddling this lie any further.
Does this mean that upon comparing the original with what I posted here that you are saying that you won't have an excuse either to continue calling me a liar, @Essan? Does this mean that when I say here that Russell wasn't referring to Jesus' coming that in The Time is at Hand at all, but that you want to use this book to make it appear to be the case that Russell so indicated?
I found one Watchtower reference to some of the changes made in 1915 in "The Time is at Hand" and another SS volume following the failure of Russell's predictions for 1914.
The pages containing these corrections are as follows:
Vol. II., page 77, line 1, "will be the farthest limit," reads "will see the disintegration."
Vol. II., page 77, line 6, "will obtain full universal control," reads "will begin to assume control."
Vol. II., page 77, lines 16,17, "end of A.D. 1914," reads "end of the overthrow."
Vol. II., page 81, line 9, "can date only from A.D. 1914," reads "could not precede A.D. 1915."
Vol. II., page 170, line 16, "at that time they will all be overturned."*
*How long it will require to accomplish this overturning we are not informed, but have reason to believe the period will be short.
Vol. II., page 221, line 25, "full favor until A.D. 1914," reads "full favor until after 1915."
Vol. III., page 94, line 29, "in this end or harvest," reads "at the end of this harvest."
Vol. III., page 126, line 12, "at A.D. 1914," reads "after 1914."
Vol. III., page 133, line 21, "ere the harvest is fully ended."+
+The end of the harvest will probably include the burning of the tares.
Vol. III., page 228, line 11, "some time before 1914," reads "very soon after 1914."
Vol. III., page 228, line 15, "just how long before," reads "just how long after."
Vol. III., page 362, line 11, "some time before," reads "some time near."
Vol. III., page 364, line 14, "must not only witness," reads "may not only witness.""
I noticed that the very first of these so-called correction appears in the original 1889 book, but what you are suggesting here is that you are willing to believe JWfacts.com than what your own investigation should reveal as to whether what this website says is truly the case. Review what I uploaded against this list of "corrections" that JWfacts provided, and you will see that you have been misled, @Essan.
And, btw, you also owe me an apology.