I just love speaking about WTS history and love the way active Dubs and apologists get so uptight and wonder why we worry about it, well from CT Russell and until the currant leadership all their history has one thing in common! Lies and failed prophecy!
Challenge to DJeggnog Regarding his Lies.
by Essan 209 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Essan, I do not have the time right now to look it up, but didn't a WT publication state that the 1914 date for Jesus presence was not taught until the 30's? It was previously taught to be 1879.
DJ, can't get anything right. He said:
"I noticed that the very first of these so-called correction appears in the original 1889 book, but what you are suggesting here is that you are willing to believe JWfacts.com than what your own investigation should reveal as to whether what this website says is truly the case."
No, I confirmed this by looking the scans of original text. Here is this first 1915 correction DJ refers to and says is bogus:
Vol. II., page 77, line 1, "will be the farthest limit," reads "will see the disintegration."
Which he say is already in the 1889 original. But actually it IS NOT THERE. The original text 1st Edition, which can be viewed as scans online, of course, reads just as the quote above said it does BEFORE it was corrected in 1915 AFTER Russell predictions failed:
"... 1914: and that that date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men."
Check online for yourselves. Top of page 77.
issac, proclaimers book. :)
Thank you YourMomma.
Isaac, the Society can't really keep it's story straight. The Proclaimers book claims that 1914 became solid JW doctrine from 1925, but this is contradicted by Society literature from 1929 which explicitly says Christ's Presence began in 1874. So the Proclaimers date is not accurate. And the 1973 book "God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years" indicates that 1914 didn't become solidly accepted as the year of Christ's presence until 1943! I can find actual references if you need them.
IMO, It's probably safe to say that the Society actively taught that Christ "Presence" began in 1874 until 1929, and didn't fully repeal this teaching until 1943.
Which he say is already in the 1889 original. But actually it IS NOT THERE. The original text 1st Edition, which can be viewed as scans online, of course, reads just as the quote above said it does BEFORE it was corrected in 1915 AFTER Russell predictions failed
Essan, I verifed this and you are absolutely correct.
The original (pre-1914) printing of The Time is at Hand reads: "...the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that that date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men." (pg 76-66)
Later (post-1914) printings of The Time is at Hand read: "...the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that that date will see the disintegration of the rule of imperfect men." (pg 76-66)
I said previously that eggnog was a liar, plain and simple. Truth is of no consequence to him. His goal is simply to maintain the outward, whitewashed appearance of his cult masters.
Hey eggnog, your boys need a fresh coat.
Thanks Peacedog, I think DJ is relying on bombast and bluster and hoping that people won't make the effort to check the facts for themselves - ironically, that's what he actually accuses me of, despite the fact that of the two of us I was the one providing links to the original texts! That's the Society's tactic too, speak authoritatively and hope nobody checks. They taught DJ well.
Yeah, it seems obvious now that DJ was just a liar. I knew he lied, I just hoped he was unwittingly repeating lies he was told, rather than being a knowing participant in lies. But it seems clear from his responses to the evidence that he is personally committed to lying and just intends to protect his delusions and infect others with them at all costs, rather than being an honest lover of truth. As I've said before, JW's like him still manage shock me, because I had no idea at all that such people existed among JW's when I was one. I still can't get used to it. I think that's why I get so dogged in trying to present the facts to them sometimes, because I imagine they must just not understand or be mistaken and so there must surely some a point where they say "Oh, I see! Yes that's undeniable." I'm still not used to people who are actively, knowingly, devotedly deceptive.
I read your latest posts, but I have no comment that I wish to make in response. I wanted to apologize though about the dead link in my previous post. Please use the following link to see the scan that I only just uploaded to my website that comes from the original book, The Time is at Hand, Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2 (1889), "Study IV, The Times of the Gentiles," pp.76-78:
Also, please note that I had originally failed to include a couple of pages that indicate the date of this publication is 1889, so these pages are now included in the file I've just now uploaded, so that if anyone should suggest that there have been any alterations or modifications made to the edition of The Time is at Hand, they are free to do so, and I will not posit an argument to the contrary, since my only goal here is to provide proof of what was written in the original 1889 release, and not invalidate anyone's claim that any alleged alterations or modifications were made after 1889.
I believe it to be not unknown that JWFacts.com provided information regarding WTS publications that may or may not be accurate, but I only feel responsible for the things I represent to you folks here.
Nice job avoiding the issues eggnog.
Essan - 1
Eggnog - 0