Oct. 15th WT ( JW Version ) - Don't Trust your Own Viewpoint - it's Distorted

by flipper 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the great comments ! Busy cleaning & cutting some firewood but wanted to chime in here and respond to Pg.1 at least right now.

    FACTFINDER- It sounds so weird doesn't it that the GB are imperfect - yet their thoughts are inspired by holy spirit ? So that must mean JEHOVAH is imperfect too ! The GB is getting imperfect information from an imperfect source. I agree- the NEW GB is getting bolder and bolder. Bunch of young punks - some of them barely in their 50's !

    WTWIZARD- Good points you make. It's like you said - the GB expects witnesses to stay in the cancer- in spite of suffering injustices from fellow elders or witnesses. Then the WT society tries to tell them that SATAN, not fellow witnesses are their enemy ! I agree with you- the only way ANYBODY ends up escaping the witnesses is if they learn to think for themselves. Somehow, someway- they have to break out of the programming.

    LONGHAIRGAL- Very true what you say . The WT society HAS put themselves in the position of God and Jesus. The oldtimers will tell you that Russell & Rutherford got messages from God - but I don't believe it ! LOL ! Russell was a rich boy making a religion due to wealth and Rutherford was a self important drunk who thought he was the first coming of F.Lee Bailey as a lawyer. Basically- the GB tells itself that God or Jehovah has informed them they are his " faithful slave". So they just arrogantly pump themselves up.

    SD-7 - Hey guy, good to see you back posting ! Glad you like the thread. I agree- HOW in the WORLD would a so-called " loving God " justify King David's adultery, the planning of it by having bath Sheba's husband killed ? Incredible. No wonder the WT society goes soft on child molesters. Look at their moral standards ! The WT society doesn't want ANY members thinking on their own ! It's their way- or the highway !

    ISAAC AUSTIN- I agree, good to see SD-7 back !

    WANNABFREE- Yeah, the GB will CLAIM in writing that they have no more holy spirit than the great crowd- but they don't really believe it. They just write that stuff to quiet the JW masses from uprising against them. If they REALLY didn't believe they were all knowing - they'd stop telling and demanding how people should live.

    GAYLE- Good pint. We were always told to " self-condemn " ourselves because the GB told us we were SO sinful ! Especially as you said- if we disagreed with the WT society. They are so pompous. I'll answer pg. 2 comments in a little while

  • agonus

    I have to wonder: Do the Governing Body include themselves in this oft-repeated "we" when they say "WE should not trust OUR viewpoint because WE do not have all the facts"?

    Or when they say "WE", do they really mean, "By WE we really mean YOU idiots."

  • booby

    remember agonus _ the gb doesn'r write nothin. the dumbass underling that wrote the article is part of the we and when proofing it, if indeed they really do the gb is okay with them takin it on the chin.

  • flipper

    O.K. back. Now for pg. 2 replies. Thanks for your posts !

    PEACEDOG- Excellent point you make ! If the WT society isn't TRYING to draw attention to fear- then why do they MENTION it ?! So true.

    PSACRAMENTO- So very true ! If anybody trusts the WT society they have distorted views to be sure !

    SKEETER- Exactly ! I can think for myself. I can think for myself. 2 times is enough reminder for me. Too tired to write it 100 times. But many witnesses would profit themselves if they did just that !

    WING COMMANDER- Good points. If non-witnesses were told this stuff at the door - they'd be shocked ! That's why the WT society hides this version of the Watchtower until someone is sucked in and already baptized. Then the heat gets turned on a well as the high expectations ! My older JW mom 83 yrs.old says that same thing you mentioned when I asked her why there were 2 issues of the WT now. She said, " The WT study version is too spiritually deep " for people out in the field. Yeah, right. Too mind controlling is what it is ! LOL ! I see the leaders of this cult heading for another Jonestown someday as well. Something's gotta give.

    CARLA- Yeah, they have these articles every year- it's just that the articles are becoming EVEN MORE controlling than before ! And that is the dangerous part because it captures the minds of unsuspecting witnesses who ALREADY are suffering spiritual dementia due to being under the influence of cult mind control. Very deadly.

    HEAVEN- Exactly. If the GB are imperfect how can they trust themselves even ? How can they expect ANY witness to trust them because their views are as distorted as the average JW ? It's so weird.

    ZIDDINA- The WT society is so intellectually dishonest they are delusional ! Just think about it. All the newbie GB members think they'll fly away to heaven to reign as Kings & Priests with Jesus in the clouds after they die ! How weird is THAT ? And that 7 million people will never die and live FOREVER ? How crazy is that ?? So the delusion starts at the top with the GB and ges all the way down to Joe normal publisher ! Freaky !

    LOST GENERATION- The WT society would NEVER be honest enough to come right out and call witnesses dumb-a$$e$ right out front. They have to camouflage it through slick, deceptive trick uses of words so the normal JW won't THINK the WT society is calling them a dumb -a$$ . It's part of the mind control. Keep them on a string but give them just enough rope to hang themselves.

    SERENITY NOW ! - If we gave the householders the WT kool-aid JW only edition- it may fry their brain. It would certainly SCARE the hell out of them when they see how controlling the magazines information is ! But that would be a GOOD thing ! Perhaps less people would be interested in joining the JW cult then. And that WOULD be a good thing.

    STRAIGHTSHOOTER- It definitely is skewed reasoning on the GB's part in this article. Yes, the GB or elders blame US always for our problems- yet what if they give bad counsel to us ? What if they give us counsel not in the Bible or their OWN OPINIONS ? Then who's to blame ? I've experienced this so many times when I was a witness. I'd show the elders in the publications where they were wrong- they STILL wouldn't admit it. Even though I was proved right- they STILL blamed me for wrongdoing. Finally I just left and said " The hell with it ! "

    AGONUS- No, the governing body NEVER includes themselves as " not having all the facts " due to their having the holy spirit upon them and divine inspiration ( they think ). They only mean the rank and file normal JW who doesn't get all the facts straight. Then they usually blame a persons alleged " weak " spiritual condition for not getting the facts straight ! A vicious circle.

    BOOBY- Yes indeed, it is the underlings in the writing department that hands dwn this garbage - and THEY will be the fall guy for any negative reactions or effects of the info going to the rank and file. The GB are too busy playing poker at their conference table trying to keep John Barr at age 97 from sleeping through the whole event

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    If a JW buys into the premise that Jehovah is in control, that all decisions of the elders are guided by Holy Spirit as they apply Bible principles to judicial cases and that Jehovah will right any wrong in his own time; this makes sense. Any doctrine that is off will be tweaked back in line by "new light", again Jehovah is in control. If we don't wait on Jehovah and run ahead we will sin against His direction. SO, it is the willingness to subject one's self to the doctrine of "Jehovah is in control of everything, even the bullshit", that is the problem. People lap it up because there is no one else in the "world" that is imperfect and has God's ok to be totally wrong and right at the same time. It's very convenient. When we recognize the doctrine of "nothing is bad because it will be better later" is crap, we can become free. An injustice is an injustice and if we see it and would correct it, why doesn't He direct his Org to do so? We used to ask people if thier child sinned would they hold his hand in a flame all day? for a minute? at all? When they say "NO, we agree and say why would Jehovah do any different? Of course we would think him cruel if he did that. Yet look at Hellfire for eternity, it makes no sense." Yet JW's are told that JW's can moslest and that Jehovah won't do anything about it. We would do all in our power to prosecute and punish, no hesitation. What makes them think Jehovah would do any less? That always bothered me. I trusted my own viewpoint and that's why I have Tuesdays and Sundays all to myself.

  • flipper

    WASANELDERONCE- Good points you make. I feel however that witnesses don't HAVE a choice BUT to go along with the WT society's policies and jargon about " Jehovah being in control " or that he will allegedly " right any wrong in his own time ". To me - that is a cop out expression or loaded language term used by the WT society and elders to shut the rank and file JW up so they'll stop bothering them ! If it's a problem the elders don't want to be bothered with or inconvenienced over - they'll use the " wait on Jehovah to clear it up " jargon - but if the person has a problem and is on the elders radar as a " bad influence " suddenly the elders see the need to fix that problem NOW - without waiting on Jehovah ! LOL !

    I'm just saying there are HUGE inconsistencies with how elders handle these matters. There IS no rhyme or reason in how they do it. They CLAIM to follow the WT society's direction - but it's BS - they really don't. Thus for those JW's who are mind controlled to THINK the WT society has God's direction- it causes even MORE confusion ! I'm glad you got out and achieved your freedom of mind my friend ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Hadit

    Good thread Flipper. However, it is infuriating! They are sick, sick, sick and twisted. No wonder so many people in this org (and out) have mental distress, anxiety and depression. They CAUSE it by telling us that our viewpoints (minds) are distorted and limited. Thus when we have thoughts based upon our lives and circumstances and knowledge WE are caused to question them and thus think WE are nuts and that there is something wrong with us.

    The cognitive dissonance brought about can drive you crazy! You second guess everything you do (OCD which could lead to paranoia), you stress out over all your decisions (anxiety and panic), you believe all your decisions are wrong and that you cannot do anything right (lowered self-worth/esteem, self-respect), you now feel worthless and unable to cope and get sad and angry (depression/suicidal). You try to leave then you are stuck with post-traumatic stress disorder!

    The whole system of theirs is set up to cause all sorts of mental distress. What better way to keep people trapped in a cult (even when they are “out”) than to cause mental disorders. It is much easier to keep people obedient when they have lowered mental faculties and talked to like they are idiots who cannot understand “deep” things. They keep you in a state of constant stupor.

    Evil, controlling and demented.

  • flipper

    HADIT- Excellent response ! I totally agree with everything you say. Your statement, " It's much easier to keep people obedient when they have lowered mental faculties and talked to like they are idiot's who cannot understand " deep things ". They keep you in a state of constant stupor. Evil, controlling and demented. " Exactly ! And that is the WT society's aim and goal - to " dumb down " the JW masses so they can be more easily controlled. I mean- Look how MANY JW's accepted the new " generation overlap " theory without even blinking ? Not even using their own minds to sort it out. THAT is what the WT society is banking on - that members will NOT use their minds.

    As you stated- It infuriates me as well. Makes me angry that my JW relatives still inside the cult are being fed this horse$hit all these years ! Especially my 80 something year old parents who have been in the cult 60 years !

    Your comment about the WT society causing people to doubt themselves to the point of causing serious depression and suicidal tendencies is well documented as well. Many HAVE committed suicide due to feelings of low self esteem and doubting their self-worth due to guilt and fear instilled into them by the WT society. This evil organization has a lot to answer for - but I doubt they'll ever have to pay any penalties for the lives they've damaged. And THAT is the maddening part for me

  • LongHairGal


    You may be on to something with regards to the clever timing of the article. I think the reason the religion doesn't want its members getting together with non-JW family on holidays is that the JWs will realize (or be reminded) that their family gives unconditional love. They can be 'themselves' around their family which is something they can't be at the hall.

    They will realize, as I DID, that they will not get unconditional love or acceptance at the hall. Holiday season was very lonely for me as a JW. I wondered where all the JWs went - and they weren't all out in service either. I started to wonder whether Jehovah is only pleased if I am looking at four walls by myself. I started to seriously question my involvement in this religion. I was made to feel like I was some nut in the hills fighting a private war.

    The religion is afraid that once JWs realize what they are missing by avoiding their family (or what they have foolishly given up), they will leave this vacuum of a religion. This is the very thing that I felt.

  • cantleave

    If you do trust your own Viewpoint Judgement you obviously are too proud to accept Jehovah's wise counsel. I really don't want serve a god who is cruel enough to give the ability to reason and then doesn't want me to use it.

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