Oct. 15th WT ( JW Version ) - Don't Trust your Own Viewpoint - it's Distorted

by flipper 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this up if any missed it. Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Since so many newbies are joining the board,wanted to bump this up for any who may have missed this. Thanks

  • wobble

    Good thread Flip.

    it was in Sept 207 that they told us they would do all our thinking for us, and we need not bother to go on the Internet ,in a KM article.

    I loudly said in the KH as soon as I read it "Nobody does my thinking for me !"

    I walked away from the nasty little mind controlling cult just after the next Memorial.

  • sabastious

    They always say the term "we" when they do not hold themselves to the same standards. It's modern day Pharisees in the most precise sense of the term.


  • flipper

    WOBBLE- Thanks. I remember that Kingdom Ministry in Sept. of 2007 telling JW's they should not research on the Internet because the WT society had all the publications they needed . Yeah right. I'm glad you got wise to it Wobble and exited the cult.

    SABASTIOUS- Exactly. WT society ALWAYS says " we " should do this or that but they hypocritically NEVER include themselves - just rank and file JW's. It's " do as I say " not " do as I do "

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