Help me...

by rafreuter 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Leolaia

    Welcome rafreuter. :)) You will find many here who can relate to your experiences.

    "What the bible does and doesn't say about homosexuality" Is there any other way to translate 1 Cor 6.9 (like the amplified version myself) in any bible translation ?

    Well, setting aside the bigger question of why Paul's opinion should matter, "homosexuality" and "homosexuals" are modern sexological labels that have no business being in a translation of a 2,000-year old letter. It is reminiscent of the Living Bible's choice to use "Israelis" instead of "Israelites". Aside from the obvious anachronism, there is also a much larger scope of reference in generalized sexological and identity labels than whatever Greek terms Paul used. Similarly, Rutherford used the KJV translation of "the effeminate" to condemn men (largely heterosexual) who acted politely and with respect when in the company of women. Part of that was Rutherford being Rutherford, but the claim was facilitated by the use of a term in translation that has quite a different range in meaning in English than the original Greek terms.

  • rafreuter

    Raf: If you need to go home, then do so. You're in the process of developing your adult identity and if making peace with your parents is necessary, then it's necessary.

    To those who understand, what Cadellin says is exactly how i feel right now. My sexuality is so much less important to me right now than my mother. I don't think I could deal in my adult life without her. Her and I were always close, even when my family first figured out that something was up. I've talked to my dad and of course there will be somethings that have to change, but most of that means little to me. I just want my family back. I want my room back. I want my dogs back.

    I know eventually those things will be gone, but I don't want them to be gone NOW because i wanted a freedom that didnt make me happy. I want them to be gone because there is nothing i can do about it, and then I'll be able to deal with it in maturity.

    Again, I really can't thank you all enough for being here at least for me to get my thoughts out in clear form, in a way where i could mull it over and repeat it to myself.

  • yknot

    Do what is right for you at this moment in time....

    Sexuality is a fraction of us not the whole ....

    (Yknot wonders aloud out of ignorance of male sexuality in comparison with female sexualtiy... why don't 'gay' men consider 'bi' options... I know of more then one dubbie sister who has a strap-on hidden in their naughty drawer--- giggles while blushing bright pink)

  • rabidewok

    I saw a psychologist for about a year and a half after I left. It was the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I found gained

    a sense of self empowerment over my life and decisions. I suggest you do the same if possible.

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