Lady Lee- who are you, and what's YOUR story?

by theMadJW 422 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Since the thread is supposed to be about ME I am going to make it about ME

  • mrsjones5

    Darn tooting Lady, have at it!

  • brotherdan

    Doesn't it feel good to see a thread with your name on it? We all love you, Lady Lee! Thanks for all you do!


    Since the thread is supposed to be about ME I am going to make it about ME.....Lady Lee

    Rock On Lady Lee!! ..

    appl.gif picture by GeneralWaco

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • theMadJW

    LL, they have statues of you & incense burning!

  • theMadJW

    Still waiting on your story- or I'll find it in the next few days.

  • brotherdan

    And WE are waiting for YOUR story over on this thread, MadJW:

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Lady Lee Who are you?

    Well I am Lady Lee a moderator on this site - not "fingered" for it but politely asked if I would be willing to offer untold hours monitoring the kooks, cranks and crackpots who post here not to mention the trolls and trouble-makers. Like the other mods I get little praise, a lot of flak and no pay.

    I've been posting here since June 2001 and my story is all over this website. I also started the Best of Series where you can find a short list of my topics on JWD/JWN

    To find my story you can click on my name and click on either Topics Started or Topics Posted on and see a list of my topics and posts.

    You can also click on my name and get my website address in my profile. That will (for those who don't understand how the internnet works yet) take you to one of my websites that has info about my childhood and my life as a JW.

    If you want personal info on my life as a JW I suggest you check out threads here about spousal abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, spiritual abuse, and just about any other kind of abuse you can think of. Also try topics on the deaf and sign language.

    I'll be back in a bit with more later but that should get you started

  • wasblind

    Mad, Your walking through a mine field now, especially if you try to make a mockery of someone we all respect.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thank you thank you I want to thank my mother and my ex-husband and the elders and all those people who shunned me. Without you I would never have made it this far sniff sniff

    If it's about abuse I have probably posted a bit of my story on it

    If it's about recovery I have probably posted a bit of my story on it

    If it's about the deaf or sign language I have probably posted a bit of my story on it

    If it's about the silentlambs March on Brooklyn I have probably posted a bit of my story on it.

    If it's about being an elder's wife I have probably posted a bit of my story on it.

    If it's about getting an education after leaving the JWs I have probably posted a bit of my story on it.

    Well if it's about me I have probably posted a bit of my story on it.

    If it's about trauma I have probably posted a bit of my story on it.

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