I gather you haven't read the bible as there is much to say about this.
Firstly, God's existance is proven beyond a doubt, just look around you and see his creation. we also have a communication from him in the form of the bible in which he explains much about himself, his creations, the past and the future.
There are many that choose to ignore this as not tangible enough but it is clear fom the bible that no man is able to see God. At the time of Armageddon God has said that all people will come to know that he is God. Others may have opinions about this but it would appear that all will know that he is God because it will give those people who did not understand his existance an opportunity to worship him before his final judgement day.
The bible says that even Satan knows that Jehovah exists but chooses to express his own free will in being disobedient to him, we have that choice too and that is our responsibility.