What if God's existence was PROVEN TO BE TRUE?

by nicolaou 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou

    This isn't a 'prove god exists' thread, it's a 'what if' thread . . .

    What if god's existence could be proven beyond any doubt? What if god were to actually show himself so that nobody could doubt his existence?

    [1] How would that change reality as we know it?

    [2] Would it create a society where we no longer have free choices?

    [3] How about personal responsibility?

    I think God's existence would raise more questions than answers.

  • bohm

    There would be free pasta for everyone!

  • Listener

    I gather you haven't read the bible as there is much to say about this.

    Firstly, God's existance is proven beyond a doubt, just look around you and see his creation. we also have a communication from him in the form of the bible in which he explains much about himself, his creations, the past and the future.

    There are many that choose to ignore this as not tangible enough but it is clear fom the bible that no man is able to see God. At the time of Armageddon God has said that all people will come to know that he is God. Others may have opinions about this but it would appear that all will know that he is God because it will give those people who did not understand his existance an opportunity to worship him before his final judgement day.

    The bible says that even Satan knows that Jehovah exists but chooses to express his own free will in being disobedient to him, we have that choice too and that is our responsibility.

  • Caedes

    I would have to admit I was wrong!

    I suppose it would depend on whose god you are talking about but most of them like to torture people who don't give them blind obedience. So I suppose the vast majority of humans would be screwed.

    What you would have to be really worried about was the followers of whichever religion this 'real god' belonged to.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I suppose it would depend on whether, or not, he turned out to be my parent's killer god, or the Baha'i's cuddly god, or Oz's Abo's creator gods, or the NZ Maori's Creator gods, or the scientologist's spacemen ..... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

  • designs

    How many ounces are we talking about for proof.......

  • cantleave

    If god came down and presented himself and gave irrefutable proof of his existence I would say "about f*cking time"!

  • cantleave


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If it is a Troll it needs more rope than one post to hang itself. If I bust my ass to get a newbie here and he/she/it gets driven off by self-appointed policemen after one freakin' post, I am going to be really pis annoyed.

    Welcome to the forum, Listener

  • bohm

    Welcome, listener!

    Hope you will introduce yourself at some point!

    About God - well, i think would be slightly afraid that he didnt like (former) atheists, but i think that emotion would be overpowered by how awsome it all was.

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