To the Household of Dog

by AK - Jeff 117 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut
    So why is she on this one, knowing full well what's going to come her way?


    Well, I don't retract my calling out of JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. Look, it already got AGuest to violate her command from that one to cease communication with me. The bad voodoo might have already started for me because of it. The dryer ate my matching sock and the guy who is supposed to install my garage door called in sick and we had to reschedule. Plus, I didn't have two pennies at the cash register, so now I have 98 cents in change, and JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH probably knows I hate all that loose change in my pocket.

    I have asked Flying Spaghetti Monster to watch over me in this trial. FSM did consume the sacrifice next to the one for JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. FSM's was soaked in water instead of gasoline, but He showed up because I put parmasan cheese on FSM's sacrifice. When I asked FSM about JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, He said "Bless you" because He thought I sneezed.

  • designs

    Didn't all of this play out in Zeus and Perseus............and the threats of being retaliated against by the unseen world Oh boy

  • startingover
    I find the constant "peace be with you" several times in every post to be a bit on the condescending side. I try hard to look past it but I admit I am irritated every time I read it. I would appreciate your posts more if you didn't do that. Seriously.
    "And when you go into a household, greet it. If the household is worthy, let your peace come upon it. But if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you."
    "But whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace be with you.' And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you."
    "While they were still talking about this, Jaheshua himself stood among them and said to them, "May you have peace."
    "On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jaheshua came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!" After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw him. Again, Jaheshua said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive holy spirit."
    Ummmm... in light of the above, sorry... but no... dear SO.
    But peace to you!
    A slave of Christ,

    People may have talked like that 2000 years ago, but doing so today makes you come across as weird IMO.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Well, this is an internet board.

    Shelby was nice enough to welcome me when I first came on this board. She has her personal beliefs, which I don't agree with. However, I find at this point in my life that I would prefer the company of a nice theist with weird beliefs who allows me mine then an agnostic @$$hole. (please note to AK-Jeff and others, that isn't directed at you or anyone on this thread who doesn't like Shelby. That is just a general statement)

    I laughed out loud at the parody of Shelby's stuff. Hey, if you have a strong personality with accompanying beliefs (which you know you have Shelby) then you have to expect that.

    For what this is worth, if you don't like what someone has to say, just don't read it.

    AK Jeff, and others, I think one area where I may differ from you (correct me if I am wrong) is that when I read people of faith, theists, whether they be Shelby or others, I am reminded that they are out there. They aren't changing. They exist.

    I am unsure of the expectation then of calling out a theist. AK Jeff, on the argument/point to prove side of this, I am with you 100%. I think you are right and Shelby wrong.

    And yet, experience teaches us that you can't argue with a person of faith unless they lose faith or otherwise reallocate their faith.

    I don't think that you target Shelby, AK Jeff. One thread to bring light to something or make a point is appropriate in my opinion. I get it. To others here, who have expressed an opinion about Shelby and her beliefs, duly noted. Thanks.

    Shelby, for my part, I live and let live. I am sure you are well aware that your personal beliefs cannot be authenticated, but at the same time, they are good enough for you. That is all that matters, right? That being the case, be you, and if others don't like you or what you have to say, don't sweat it.

    And for the atheists and agnostics out there who ARE irritated at Shelby and have said as much, you can't stop her from believing or posting what she thinks. Ok? It's not that I don't agree with you per se, but, again, its duly noted. Any reasonable person, or anyone inclined to side with Shelby, will read this and other posts and believe accordingly.

    The world will spin, life will go on, and I have work to do. :)

  • AGuest

    could you be more specific about what the father is going to do with OTWO?

    I am sorry, dear CD (peace to you!), but of course I cannot at this time. Whether I ever am able lies with OTWO. If you don't mind, however, I really would not like to think about it at all, if I don't have to. Thank you!

    I find it funny that AGuest starts threads and responds to detractors with "if you don't like my opinions or threads, don't read them"

    I have indeed done so, from time to time, dear Twitch (peace to you, as well!).

    So why is she on this one, knowing full well what's going to come her way?

    I haven't complained about what has come my way... not one bit. As you state, I know full well what may come. So, not sure I understand the point you're trying to make... or that it even makes sense)...

    People may have talked like that 2000 years ago, but doing so today makes you come across as weird IMO.

    Actually, I think you err in this, dear SO. I think it all depends on who you talk to... and where they're from. For example, I know people who speak proper English, Spanish, French, etc., and people who speak more of the vernacular and/or even street slang. But... please... forgive me if I don't talk like "Jack" (you know, the "cool" globe-headed guy that depicts the "real" American male?). I don't really know any guys like him (I just know of them). I also don't speak like Snoop-Dogg... African American Shenaynay lookin' sapphire hood rat hootchie mama though I am... so, please, also forgive there, as well.

    Dearest, dear All-Time Jeff... thank you... and the greatest of love and peace to you. May the underserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... be upon you... and your entire household... to time indefinite. I am your servant and, again, bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Twitch

    I haven't complained about what has come my way... not one bit. As you state, I know full well what may come. So, not sure I understand the point you're trying to make... or that it even makes sense)...


    Complained? Who said complained? Not so much. But you go to great lengths to espouse and defend your viewpoint on your own threads and here you are on a thread that completely disagrees with you and your message or interpretation, taking those who disagree with you to task. No biggee; you're entitled to your opinion, just as some are entitled on your threads. Yet you're the one who calls for the detractors to ignore you and here you are, engaging them. It's kinda funny is all.

    Carry on

  • OnTheWayOut

    Okay, I made dinner for 12 people today and everything came out. I didn't burn anything, I didn't cut myself, I didn't even forget the butter. I set an extra plate out for Jaheshua Mischajah and Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) but neither showed up. My 12 diners thought it strange until I explained it was a challenge to Jaheshua Mischajah to "consume" the dish and show himself.

    FSM answered me when I called out to him later. He doesn't like ribs and mashed potatoes, so he didn't come. Perhaps that is true for J.M. also. So I am still waiting. I would have expected to cut myself cutting the tomatoes for the salad or at least to burn the biscuits if J.M. were punishing me. It still wouldn't be "showing himself" but it would be something. So all I got is my missing sock (see my last post) and a sick installer (I think he just wanted Columbus Day off).

  • notverylikely

    OTWO, i will magically appear for a bone in ribeye, scotch and cigar. I'll bring the scotch.



    That sounds Frigg`n delicious!..Take a pic next time and post it..

    I take pic`s of my dish`s..

    Then Lure my kids home with them..LOL!!


    I`m a cigar Smoker..And.. Scotch drinker..

    Cubans and Highland Park can make for a Great evening..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • ziddina
    "you create a great deal of text that the rest of us have to read - or skip over, as I do..."

    Uhm, what part of "skip over", did some people miss???

    (I'm tetchy... I was just on Flipper's thread, and frankly, after skimming DJEggNogg's long-winded blather on there, I am in no mood for lengthy, extended posts...)

    I consider terseness and brevity to be virtues...

    But then, I'm a Westerner... We actually don't talk NEARLY as much as Southerners do... Or New Yorkers... Or Bostonians... and so on...

    And yeah, OUTLAW, I do agree that AGuest's posts have shortened somewhat... But I still tend to skip over them... Still too long and involved to interest me... [and that's a statement of my attitude towards them, not necessarily a criticism...]


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