So last night my wife brought the situation up again and kept telling me how sorry I'm going to be for what I'm doing to our family. I kept a mild attitude and tried to reason with her.
I went about it in the way that Sweet Baby Cheezits recommended. I copied some of what he said word for word. Here was my email to her:
Could you PLEASE try to think of it like this:
Imagine you are a Mormon wife and mother that has started to become aware of inconsistencies and doctrinal problems within the church.
The Mormon wife will DEFINITELY see benefits of their faith: love, unity, strong bonds with fellow worshipers, strong families, high morals, etc...
But what if she realized that she could no longer conscientiously put faith in Joseph Smith's revelation, among other things? What would she do? Should she continue along as if nothing was wrong? Go with the flow to keep family and social ties intact? Or seek truth free from all bias?
What if she was born and raised a Mormon? How could this person possibly wake up to the reality that their beloved faith it wrong? Wouldn't it start with logic and reason?
Either way, this Mormon's journey out will be blocked by well-intentioned family and friends who sincerely believe that this wife/mother is making a terrible mistake. Mormon elders will try to encourage her to rethink her steps and they will rationalize EVERY doubt that she presents.
She didn't respond. So later on in the day I texted her and asked if she had a chance to read the email. I'd like to share with you her response:
wife: hahaha it's funny how dumb u really think I am
me: I don't think your dumb at all! You are smarter than me in SO many ways!
wife: You must think I'm dumb. Who do you think you are talking to? Really it's like you think I will respond like a toddler.
me: I just wanted to get your thoughts on the situation. If you were a mormon and found out that it was false, would it be ok to leave? How is being a Witness any different? I can't serve God with a bothered conscience. I don't know why you would want me to
wife: Your just ridiculous! I'm so over this.
It was interesting to see the mind block that Hassan talks about...It was sad too. She really is so smart. But with this situation, she just refuses to reason.