"... Forgive me, but i think your wife is trying to guilt you. I think she is trying to provoke you, to stroke the right strings in you, so you will be mad at her and she can rationalize what she is doing to your family. ..."
Like Bohm and Ding said...
This comment of hers puzzles me and makes me wonder...
".. i will fall out of love with you. you don't quite understand that. I dont want to go on dates anymore. I don't want special time with you anymore. ..."
I find it extremely strange that, if she's in love with you, DEEPLY in love with you, that she'd toss off the opportunity to reconcile with you, and thereby get you 'back' to the KH...
Another poster on one of your previous threads wondered whether your wife might be acting uner the direction of the elders in this... I'M wondering whether she has another JW guy waiting in the wings, in spite of her "martyr" act...
But again, that whole "martyr" act gives HER the POWER in this situation - at this point in time...
Brother Dan, you still haven't told us - DOES YOUR WIFE HAVE A WELL-PAYING JOB????? Can she support herself??? AND the kids???? Are her parents nearby - AND active Jehovah's Witnesses???
There are a lot of factors figuring into this situation...