I tried to used the same Mormon tact on my JW wife- she refused to watch a video exposing Mormon false teachings and discussions by ex-Mormons. Yes, you are treating her like a toddler, she knows exactly the trap you have set for her and she is too smart to fall for it. The fact is it's a trap and she is not going to get caught.
I came to the conclusion that my JW wife had the right to believe the WT dogma and she had the legal right to divorce me ( no fault divorce-1989 ), so I decided to let her go her way and I went my way. I have to report that after she got rid of me and she found out the elders wanted to know why she was spending her Saturday nights at a C&W nightclub with new worldly girlfriends. She told the elders it was her life, her business. Another trap, and she was too smart to fall for it! Funny how she decided to fade away from the KH, move and marry a worldly man. Maybe she did hear what I was saying to her after all.