I feel I preached falsely about God's promise, I believed these men were the FDS. based on a false chronology taught to me by them. As I did this preaching I feel a responsiblity for it. However I feel somethings were hidden as to the history of the organization that had I been aware of I would not have preached it. They were aware.
Ray Franz Was Wrong
by Farkel 144 Replies latest jw friends
I don't think those guys in the early 70s were evil men. They were taught by Russell, his people, Rutherfraud, his people, etc.
Now I know that there was no formal "GB" during some of the events I mentioned ..... Farkel
I believe it was 1976 before the GB had true power. If we fault Ray Franz for not seeing everything immediately then what do we say
of ourselves for not seeing what now appears obvious ? How much accountability will you willingly place upon your former self ? Mainly all were on a trend mill, even those on the GB had so many other
dual functions there is and was little time for "independent think "to reason things out ! When our convictions are strong we cannot see !
I really think many of them were 'true believers"....just like many JWs today who cannot bear the thought that they wasted their lives, talents and opportunities for nothing ... Minimus
FARKEL --- RIGHT ON! FAVORITES POSTERS this morning!!!! at least Ray Franz broke free (one way or the other). reality is so hard and brings one to the ground --- even in one's family of origin. guess that's why we love our kitties and dogs so very much.
The Gb are most definitely perpetrators, who blamed their victims for the 1975 embarassment
even now they are looking to find ways to get out of being accountable for screw ups by putting
more on the elders in the congs.
The Finger
Those in charge are held more accountable by God. Those in charge may like the praise, how good and hard they work etc. but tend to include all when there is a problem, we all thought this. Well where did we get it from. Those who said they knew more when they knew nothing.
When does the WBT$ put on their Big Boy Underwear and Take Responsibility for thier Actions?..
Vaccinations were banned until it got out,JW Missionarys had to get them to leave the country..
Vaccinations were both banned and approved at the same time,until then..
The WBT$ has a History of Covering over Stupidity..That goes all the way back to the Begining of the WBT$..
Of Course..
The WBT$ refuse`s Responsibility for their Actions..
Satan and the Pagans just want to make them look bad..
The People who make Little Umbrella`s for Fruity Drinks,work for Satan..
If it was`nt for Satan,Pagans and Little Umbrella`s for Fruity Drinks..
The WBT$ wouldn`t look so Bad..
That`s why the WBT$ can`t be Blamed for Anything!
" He described Jehovah's Witnesses and their relationship with Governing Body members, not as evil people, but as "victims of victims."
Victims become perpetrators when they don't break the cycle
Consider the question, was ray a victim, when he was on the gb? I'm thinking that some of them are victims and some are/were perps. Ones like rutherford, that knew it was bs and pushed it for his own aggrandizment are perps.
I'm not saying they don't have responsibility. I'm saying I agree with Franz to some degree that these men (in the early 70's) were "victims of victims".