I cannot believe that ,to a degree, they do not know exactly what they are doing.
Just look back on your former cult self, you knew when you were not telling the whole truth to a householder, because until their faith had been "built up" (= sufficiently indoctrinated) they could not bear it.
You knew you were being somewhat economical with the truth.
The newer members of the GB, as they join, are like that, they feel it is God's Organization and they go along with the belittling of the R and F, believing that they are not strong enough to know the truth.
At this point they still believe they are doing God's work.
As the years roll by, an honest man, like dear Ray Franz comes to realise that the GB consists of men., doing men's work, and has to leave.
We have not had an honourable, honest man on the GB since Ray left.
They cannot read the thought controlling lies produced by the writing boys without knowing the truth of their situation.
They are merely victims of circumstance, once they realise the truth, they do not have anywhere else to go that will give them anything like the rock-star lifestyle they enjoy as a member of the GB.