and sex isn't part of marriage. its sanctioned by marriage, but not REQUIRED in marriage. Once again, thank you WTB&TS for your input and finding a way to ruin the most basic and primal of all human needs/desires
Just as there is nothing about marriage that is incompatible with holiness, there is nothing about sex within marriage that is incompatible with Christianity. That those serving as overseers should be 'husbands of one wife with believing children' (Titus 1:5, 6) strongly suggests sex to be a requirement of marriage. At 1 Corinthians 7:2-5, the words "do not be depriving each other of it" in this passage would also suggest that you don't care one way or the other if you should ever called on any of the things you say here.
I thought the following excerpts from your subsequent posts to this thread to be typical of you:
LL, you misunderstand. thats not my personal view its what the WT [portrays]. its in print. I dont have my cd rom installed to pull the quote ... there is an article that specifically says that if the marriage becomes sexless for whatever reason the mate that is suffering has to suck it up....
LL, I'm so sorry... I have just looked thru my bag and [cannot put] my hands on it..
You come across to me by your remarks in this thread as someone that is rather squeamish about sex. When you once served as an elder, did you ever deliver a marriage talk? ever gave counsel to married couples with children or married couples frustrated over the inability of one or other of them to produce children where in vitro fertilization or adoption was being considered? If you are now or if have ever been in a sexless marriage yourself, did this "disability" influence what counsel to gave to married couples so that you thought it best to have another elder provide assistance to such couples due to your squeamishness about sex and/or your having lost your freedom of speech to give such counsel to anyone?
I'm married (I actually enjoy sex) and I'm certain that my kids are a blessing from Jehovah (Psalm 127:3-5), but back to you now. I'm wondering: Are you married at this time, or are you someone's ex-husband or soon-to-be ex-husband because you or your wife or ex-wife wasn't willing to fill your quiver with them or vice versa? We are all anonymous here. Your answer to my questions in this post might help me understand from where it is you are coming in your remarks, although what I expect from you is one of your trademark flippant remarks. (BTW, @elderelite, I thought I should mention here that my copy of the Watchtower Library 2009 is installed on several of my PCs here as well as on both of my iTouch PDAs and on my WM5-powered smartphone. Frankly, I don't believe any such "quote" exists.)
Could it be that you heard someone else -- perhaps another elder -- make such a statement when you were serving your local congregation as such?
Could it be that you heard someone else -- perhaps another elder -- make such a statement when you were serving your local congregation as such? I trust that none of the local elders with whom you once served had a penchant for probing into and exploring the salacious details of anyone's sexual history, past or present, married or unmarried, which is why many elders that have thusly abused their privileges of service have been deleted, removed.
The ending quote "sex without love is futile but love can stand alone" always seemed like the society's way of saying "suck it the hell up" to me.. again I'm a man so take that for what its worth.
No, that would be you badly paraphrasing something you were reading in an article based on your own pathological viewpoints with regard to (a) the WTS and (b) sex inside (or outside) of marriage. This "ending quote" is on you and has nothing at all to do with anything that has been or is being taught by Jehovah's Witnesses.