djeggnog, the problem you run into when you make rules and expound on things that are not clear in the bible is that you start down a slippery slope. The WT is notorious for making rules that are not biblical. Let's take a stupid example of men having beards or women wearing pants to the meetings. Nowhere is this implied, but because they are looked at as being the rulemakers (not unlike the Pharisees), they have to make more rules when unique situations come up.
That is why the Flock book is so flocked up. The Bible clearly says that grounds for divorce are adultry. But then the GB steps in and says, "Well what if it is oral sex? What if it is mutual masturbation? What if it's just touching the boobies? What if it's with a dog? What if it happened years ago, but the spouse was not aware of it, and normal sexual activity continued among the married couple?
See the problem here? It's called "Legalism". It DOES NOT WORK. It can't work. There will always be another situation and another need for a rule.
Let me be clear on how they immitate the Pharisees.
The Bible was clear about there being no allowance for "work" on the Sabbath. Despite all the warnings about keeping the Sabbath, rarely does Scripture give examples of what constitutes "work." So what did the Pharisees do? They began to make RULES on what constituted "work". So they made all sorts of rules that weighed the people down. By doing this, they did what the WTS is NOW doing in actually violating the law. They violated this scripture: "You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take anything from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you" (Deuteronomy 4:2; also 12:32). By adding the weight of their tradition to the law of God, they bound "heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders" (Matthew 23:4).