When God breaks his own laws

by Nickolas 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    So when the Baptist Sunday School Bus goes off the road because of bad brakes the little darlings get to be with God. Why not just take them in their sleep and bypass the accident and getting their sweet little bodies torn to shreds.

  • Nickolas

    So when the Baptist Sunday School Bus goes off the road because of bad brakes the little darlings get to be with God. Why not just take them in their sleep and bypass the accident and getting their sweet little bodies torn to shreds.

    Dark, designs, but pointed.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Nicky, have you been holding onto that all this time??

    Based on the old thread in which you quote me above.... to my knowledge, there's no evidence against the existence of a spirit realm. But there also isn't any empirical evidence for it either. Are those unscientific statements?

    But there is evidence against a global deluge. So, based on the evidence, how is my assertion that the global flood was a myth "unscientific"?

    I can't state that a spirit realm is impossible but I can state that the god described in the bible is self-refuting, therefore cannot exist in those terms. Is that unscientific?

  • Yizuman
    So when the Baptist Sunday School Bus goes off the road because of bad brakes the little darlings get to be with God. Why not just take them in their sleep and bypass the accident and getting their sweet little bodies torn to shreds.

    You're making the body, which is a temporary vehicle to be more important than the condition of the soul. The soul is far more valuable than anything in the God created universe. Each soul is unique and one of a kind, there's no two alike. There's not a single currency, precious metals & gems that can supersede the value of one single soul.

    Lastly, if you're concerned about the psychological impact that an accident (as stated as an example above) could have on the minds of the little children, you're forgetting the healing power of God and if God wants to, erase that memory from their minds permanantly leaving only the knowledge that they died from an accident, but have no visual recollection of it.


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Yiz, no offense, but this feels like arguing with JW family. Reason and logic fly out the window because magical powers can be used to fix anything.

    But what if we take away the blinding presupposition that caused us to accept the bible in the first place? Maybe then we will see the self-refuting contradictions for what they are.

    Quick example:

    • God is perfect... meaning he is complete and needs nothing


    • God yearns to be praised, demands to be loved, and is jealous

    That is a contradiction in terms. Yahweh, by definition, cannot be perfect.

  • Nickolas

    Nicky, have you been holding onto that all this time??

    Based on the old thread in which you quote me above.... to my knowledge, there's no evidence against the existence of a spirit realm. But there also isn't any empirical evidence for it either. Are those unscientific statements?

    But there is evidence against a global deluge. So, based on the evidence, how is my assertion that the global flood was a myth "unscientific"?

    I can't state that a spirit realm is impossible but I can state that the god described in the bible is self-refuting, therefore cannot exist in those terms. Is that unscientific?

    Diminutives now. Should I expect flowers next, or chocolates? A bottle of single malt would be preferable, thanks. Islay. 15 yo will do.

    No, I had to go back into the archives to find it. But I was only being playful (sorry, I kind of thought you'd figure that out yourself) and you are quite right, old boy. At least I think you are, if you are saying a thing needs the possibility to be both proven right and wrong, a statistical liklihood of one, before it is a valid scientific theory.

  • sir82
    Yes they got caught in the wrath of God, but that did not mean they were guilty. But it doesn't also mean God can't restore them as well.

    So wouldn't it be far more loving, and efficient, for God just to kill everybody right now?

    What's the point in letting, for example, millions of babies suffer a slow and agonizing death of starvation, drawn out over many years, when they're just going to end up in heaven anyway?

    Is God some kind of sadist? Does he enjoy watching so much suffering? If not, again, what's the point?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I depend entirely on evidence to shape my perception of reality.

    Amen brother!

  • designs


    So this western christian concept is saying its God sets up the victims, God knock them down, God resets them.

  • Yizuman
    Yiz, no offense, but this feels like arguing with JW family. Reason and logic fly out the window because magical powers can be used to fix anything.

    None taken and I do wholly respect one's personal opinion. I love debates and I learn alot from it, doesn't matter if I agree or disagree with it.

    I do however apologize that I made you feel like you're arguing with a JW family, I meant no disrespect nor attempted to drudge up bad memories/feelings from your personal experiences.

    I guess what breaks down to it is this, it's a matter of one's own faith as well as one's own personal experiences.


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