To the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... may you all have peace!
I am curious (and serious)... regarding your thoughts as to the "source" for the "sacred secrets" revealed by Paul... and whether you believe he was the last to so receive (if you indeed believe so and excluding John's revelation) and why you believe so, particularly given the "gifts" of the Spirit and the prophecy regarding its outpouring. I am also curious as to what you believe such gifts are for... and how they are used.
I am curious... because I am concerned. Yes, it appears to have been awhile since such kinds of "secrets" were last revealed... but do we know that to be true? We don't, really, do we? We DO know that for centuries "certain men" have tried to decide FOR us what is true, what is not, what is inspired, what is not... men who are not part of the Body of Christ, but indeed enemies of that Body. I feel, however, such a fear among some of you... that even while a revelation may be true, may bear truthful witness with YOUR spirit... because "certain men" have not said it to be true, you are not only unable to fully accept it (and I don't blame you, there)... you are also unable to go the One who leads US... and NOT the world... and ask of him (for which I WOULD take exception, if you are indeed who you say you are). Indeed, a group of men or some "council"... who neither possess holy spirit... or know the Holy Spirit... can come together and say, "This is acceptable; put your faith in it!"... and, well, there we go... our feet running toward it... and them.
But when our Lord himself says, "Come!"... we find all kinds of reasons, excuses, explanations, etc., to keep from doing so.
Please... help me understand, but truly I do not. I do not understand how one can say one is joined to Christ... cannot HEAR the One they are joined to... but won't go to him so as TO hear.
So, I am asking the questions above, as well as WHO it was you believe revealed such "sacred secrets" to Paul... how... and when and for what reason did he/she stop speaking, if indeed he/she spoke at all?
[A note to those who are NOT of the Household of God, Israel... or who do not go with that "house"... I kindly ask you to refrain from commenting, if you can. I understand if you cannot. But if not, please know my request is on the record and so do not take offense if I do not respond to your comments. Thank you!]
Again, may you all have peace!
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ,