Did Jesus resurrect Himself?

by brotherdan 143 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brotherdan

    It's amazing that they can claim to love scripture, and then throw away verses like that, Ding. I guess I am currently biased, but I would hope that a question like you have been asking JWs would have gotten me to think.

    Of course, they all say "We just need to do some research and come back to you on that." But their "research" is ONLY in JW publications. So they'll come back with some sort of twisted explanation.

  • Ding

    The WTS believes both Jesus and Peter walked on water but says a physical body couldn't exist in heaven.

    Maybe God can do things the Watchtower doesn't think possible.

    The Bible doesn't say heaven is somewhere in outer space where there's nothing but a vacuum.

  • tec

    I believe personal revelations stopped occuring with the death of the Apostles. The Bible has all relevant revelations that we need to this day.

    If personal revelations stopped, perhaps it is because faith in receiving them died? The Spirit of Christ is so much bigger than the bible, and I find it sad that people limit Him to the pages of a book. We can learn about him there, find comfort in the words and passages about him, but we can hopefully move forward and then seek him out - IN SPIRIT.

    If we aren't even open to the possibility to personal revelation (which doesn't mean opposing views to something that has been revealed before, although not everything the apostles believed or knew about Jesus was written down for us), then how can it -or how can we even recognize if it does - happen to us?

    I believe in personal revelation.

    You mentioned Jude 3, Dan. It says here that faith was entrusted to the saints, once for all, but it does not say that the saints ended with the apostles. Christ said that the Spirit would teach them and lead them into all truth. Later, in Acts, Peter says, "God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them (gentiles) by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as he did to us."

    Also, why would Paul speak of the gifts of the spirit, and tell the Corinthians to eagerly desire the gift of prophecy, if revelation stopped with the death of the apostles?

    As per the original question :), God gave Jesus the power to lay down his life and take it up again. Also, no reason to think he didn't have a physical body, especially since he assured people that he was not a ghost/spirit.


  • AGuest

    Sigh! I SO love you, dear tec. ! Truly. You make my spirit soar! You give me SUCH hope, dear one! I know, through you and some others, that although all of us WILL fall asleep before our Lord, the Bridegroom, arrives... there will be some who DO have faith when he returns... in response to our Dear One's question. They WILL have "oil" in their "lamps," praise JAH! so that OUR Dear One is NOT left knocking with no one to "open" to HIM. You are proof of that, to me, dear, dear lady.

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of our God and heavenly Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, and the love and peace of His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, our Lord and master, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you... you and your entire household... as well as ANY who do "good" to you... to time indefinite!

    YOUR servant, my dear sister and fellow slave of Christ... IN SPIRIT and TRUTH... and thus, IN Christ,


  • Podobear

    Brotherdan: Revelation 1 makes the position clear. He became the "First and the Last" in relation to the resurrection. I don't see the stumbling issue. He had taken another form and had "not yet ascended to his father".

    As for Thomas' words... this is a language matter. Please do your research. These words are written in the NOMINATIVE and not the Vocative. Something I wrestles with for years. Thomas' address to Jesus was the same as other acknowledgments in Scripture to God's representatives. Usually Angels... these could hardly be Almighty God himself.. or could they, with your reasoning?

    Matthew 27:51-53 makes an interesting read for the mentally inquisitive. If you read that in KJV English... you would think the Voodoo priests have a point.. Read it in the NWT. (Has WT endulged in free interpretation there.. or, in fact, do they have a strong and valid point there).

    I find it hard to grasp that 2 thirds of a triad intervened... the trinity holds no water for me.


  • Chalam

    This is actually a proof of the concept of the Trinity as well. Notice

    Acts 2:24 - God raised up Jesus from the dead

    John 10:17,18 - Jesus took up his life again after laying it down

    Romans 8:11 - The Holy Spirit resurrected Jesus

    Nice :)

    Have a look around and you will find three testifiying to many other things regarding God.

    Keep you eyes open for these relating to each of the Father, the Son and the Spirit

    • omnipresence
    • omniscience
    • omnipotence
    • creator
    I believe personal revelations stopped occuring with the death of the Apostles. The Bible has all relevant revelations that we need to this day. Ouch!

    1 Corinthians 2:14 (New International Version)

    14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.

    John 14:26 (New International Version)

    26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

    I am sure if you think about it you will see the Spirit has given you a lot of personal revelation already, that's what He does!

    Blessings in Christ,


  • PSacramento

    Did Jesus ressurect himself?

    For all intents and purposes, yes.

    And no.

    LMAO !!

    Jesus choose to be limite dwhile on Earth, with us, he was truly human in the physical sense, but that siprit of his, that divine spirit that was One with God, that was something different.

    Jesus's body was died, his spirit of couse was another matter and God did indeed ressurect the Bod through said Spirit, just as all creation was beun through siad Spirit, the Holy Spirit.

    So yes, God did ressurect THE BODY of Jesus, and so did the HS and so did "Jesus".

    You know, you really can't have one without the others.

  • designs

    So G-d whispers different stories in everyone's ears.....


  • PSacramento

    Nope, Jesus speaks the same to all, it is up to US to understand and to share based on who we are.

    We are, afterall, the sum of our experiences.

    One will understand a certain point while another will focus on another point while yet another will understand it to mean something "different" based on what they have experienced.

    The message is the same, even if the way it is conveyed may be different.

    And as humans we also do tend to complicate things and try to put them into our words.

  • designs

    'Jesus speaks the same to all' right, go easy on the Foxglove tea...........

    Who ever go ahold of the NT did a great disservice to the world.

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