What is Free Will really??

by SweetBabyCheezits 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bohm
    but here is the delima..If we serve God we live either forever on earth or heaven or something like that.. If we dont serve God he will kill us.. that dosent seem like free will but ok.. a choice and a result.. HOWEVER it was God who gave us the WILL and the DESIRE to live forever or go to heaven or what have you... So if we dont serve him we have basically denied a biological imparative he gave us and have chosen to committ suicide.. hardly plausable. It dosent seem like free will at all...

    Dawkins, is that you?

    Free will and the devil are two attempts to fix the same problem of having an all-loving all-powerfull God allow suffering. Im not saying there is no fix, i just dont think it makes a lot of sence as it is...

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