It might be true that he went back. However, why? I noticed all too many weasel words in the littera-trash, with no reference to any of the evidence. They point out "One source", but they do not make any references to it so I can cross-examine that source. Yet, they expect people to stake their lives on the accuracy of that "evidence" that they never show anyone--at that, without researching from independent sources. Apostate web sites do allow people to independently research these things, never expecting anyone to stake their lives on something without providing ample opportunity to do extra research.
And how did they get these people back? Certainly not love, joy, happiness, blessings, peace, and enlightenment. If they used those tools, very few would turn apostate in the first place and there wouldn't be many apostate web sites to look at. They would find that most people would come to similar conclusions if they used independent sources (enlightenment allows people to see the real truth, and if they look at independent sources, they would be able to tell if it was the truth or not). Discussion boards about the religion would be about 98% praises about the religion and in-depth discussion about the meetings, with outside references that actually support it and you can cross-reference with even more support. (And about 2% spambots and trolls that join forums simply to trash them.) People would actually want to attend these things--you would find attendance to be around 98% (with the others simply too sick to attend or unavoidably tied up that night) without hounding. And, it would be normal for worldly people to stumble in (or join on a positive recommendation) to a meeting, only to want to learn more and eventually join. You don't see that happening.
If not love, joy, peace, and enlightenment, what do they use? When they succeed in getting people back, it is always fear, grief, shame, and guilt that they use. They are afraid of losing their families or of getting destroyed. They are in grief because their families are ruined by their leaving the cancer. They are in guilt because "it's their fault" that their families are ruined, and they are not doing what they promised to. And they experience shame because their disfellowshipped standing marks them as "inferior" and "unclean" to others. It might work at getting people back, but where in the Bible did Jesus consistently use fear, grief, shame, and guilt to draw people in or draw them back in? And, can anyone be truly motivated when they consistently use fear, grief, shame, and guilt?