Latest apostate warning in Feb 15 2011 Watchtower

by dozy 144 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia

    Some other interesting things about the quote:

    But later, as I did some research on the apostates’ arguments against Jehovah’s Witnesses, I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were. Information taken out of context was their ‘strong evidence’ against us. Thus, I decided to start reading our publications again and to attend the meetings. Soon I realized how much I had missed.” Happily, Andre returned to the congregation.

    "I did some research". Doesn't the Society frown down upon "independent research"? So if you happen to be a JW who has been secretly reading "apostate" info on the internet, this article suggests that you don't have to run away at once from the info (which elsewhere they have characterized as "poison"). You can -- as Andre did -- do some research on the info to see if the claims are in fact true. I wonder if the Society realizes that not everyone who does what Andre did would come to the same conclusion. As the experiences of newbies to JWN attest, many people are coming to their own realizations about the "trooth" through doing such research.

    Andre also shifts the locus of the "apostate" critique from the organization itself (information that would make Andre feel, as he says, justified in "leaving Jehovah's organization") to Jehovah's Witnesses personally, such that the "evidence" becomes evidence not against the organization, but against "us". This reflects a total identification of the organization with individual JWs. This identification continues in the next sentence when Andre refers to the Society's publications as "our publications". Identity as a JW is bound up with the organization and if the organization is threatened, Andre is himself threatened if he maintains his JW identity. This illustrates again the importance of maintaining the distinction between criticizing the organization and attacking JWs personally.

  • pirata

    Great. Now we JWs can further turn off our thinking and say "There is no reason to listen to apostate arguments because Andre already did the research for us.".

    Great way to address the issue without addressing any of the issues.

  • pirata

    Alternatively, if an active JW gets caught on an apostate site they can say. Look at andre, he built up his faith by carefully researching the apostate sites. I am just trying to build up my faith too.


    I'd wager Andre probably does exist and said some vaguely similar statements as a defence to get reinstated. He ate humble pie likely to see his family again. Wouldn't surprise me if he's busy netting away and will slowly fade.

    Some JW's will swallow this experience the way the GB want them too. Anyone with half a brain will see it as a green light to have a closer look at what the apostates say. Normally the WTS tries to associate the internet with fear / danger / catastrophe. This experience is taking an alternative angle. They know that fear of getting caught doesn't stop a whole load of JW's from surfing porn on the internet so why not dabble in a bit of research too?

    This is a poor attempt at control.


    PS (come on guys - which one of you is Andre??)

  • blondie
  • BurnTheShips

    Andre, who had served Jehovah for years, had the bitter experience of being led astray

    by apostate thinking. He felt that having a quick look at an apostate Web site would

    not be dangerous.He recalls: “Initially, I was attracted to the so-called truths that the

    apostates spoke of. The more I examined what they said, the more I came to think

    that I was justified in leaving Jehovah’s organization.

    But later, as I did some research on the apostates’ arguments against Jehovah’s

    Witnesses, I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were. Information

    taken out of context was their ‘strong evidence’ against us. Thus, I decided to start

    reading our publications again and to attend the meetings. Soon I realized how

    much I had missed.” Happily, Andre returned to the congregation.

    That right there, will backfire on them.


  • thetrueone

    The WTS has it's built in element of protectionism, its called propaganda.

    I would expect no less from other religions such as the Mormon organization as well.

    Religion is created by men exploiting lies from other men's lies all in a venture to step into the divine power of nothing.

    Think about it

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Great point about identity leolaia!

    They use the cult identity all the time in their lingo, both written and spoken. I'm disgustedly reminded of the old song: To Whom Do You Belong?

  • booby

    *Names have been changed. why?

  • OnTheWayOut

    WTS has that habit of blatant hypocrisy. And switching to "us" and "our publications" is clearly used as mind-control.

    I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were. Information

    taken out of context was their ‘strong evidence’ against us.

    Thus, I decided to start reading our publications again and to attend the meetings.

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