What family? The parents? The wife? The kids? There are different tools for different problems: shotgun, balls, leather-belt, etc.
Interesting call from an elder this morning
by sabastious 54 Replies latest members private
How can there be any question as to your identity or whether or not you are indeed apostate?
The Watchtower rules are (supposed to be) that you only get DF'ed if you are a danger to the congregation. Many elders past and present have abused their authority and DF'ed people because of an act even though they were not endangering the congregation.
I am an apostate (in the dictionary sense), but I am not threatening my OWN congregation. These elders seem to be using reason and logic, which is hopeful.
I have been reading your stuff longer than I have been a member, you have been a stable to this forum and a benefit to me.
Wow Jay, thanks for sharing. I am ecstatic that I have been able to help you :)
Let me ask you, is it your immediately family trying to put you in the hot seat? As in your own flesh and blood?
The perpetrators are about 5 or 6 people, all flesh and blood. My family has issues, we were all RAISED in the organization, so they are all isolated socially, and it shows.
Deep down they are just trying to do what they feel is right by following the letter of the law, but they are missing the spirit of Jesus' message.
Maybe this guy will join up here. Maybe he has his own questions and doubts. We can only hope.
Interesting observation. This place is about the scariest place in the entire world for a Witness, I remember the fear when I first came here.
Is their a thread with your personal story.
I haven't spelled out my story yet, probably something I should, and would like, to do.
You're being set up, dude. Sure, he sounds reasonable and understanding. He might even be a friend. But when push comes to shove and they have to choose friendship with you and the organization, the organization will win. If they have to choose between following the rules of the organization or allowing reasonableness and understanding in dealing with you, they'll choose the rules.
Never, never, never, ever, ever, ever tell elders something that can be used against you in a JC meeting...unless, of course, you're looking to get DFd. He gave you the out...you should've took it.
But I understand how you feel. I remember elders that were friends trying to "help" me. And I remember squirming, trying to be honest and forthright, not wanting to lie. But once you come to the full realization that you've been used, abused, lied to and decieved, you finally realize that lying to representatives of the cult isn't all that dishonest. It's survival. In their terms, you can call it "theoctratic strategy"...not telling them anything that they don't deserve or need to know.
Good luck in the coming weeks. I think you're gonna need it.
Hope things work out for you Bro, I really do.
Thanks Sac, your words specifically mean a lot to me.
Never, never, never, ever, ever, ever tell elders something that can be used against you in a JC meeting...unless, of course, you're looking to get DFd. He gave you the out...you should've took it.
I am not looking to get DF'ed but I am not hiding from it either, I hope that makes sense.
He knew sabatious was me. The setup was the question itself, IMO.
Please be aware that even though everyone is playing nice right now it all could turn ugly very quickly. I'm hoping it won't but going on what I've seen in the past on this board I feel it has a good chance of getting ugly.
You are absolutely right. Any time this organization is involved with personal life it can get ugly. I am preparing myself for anything.