Interesting call from an elder this morning

by sabastious 54 Replies latest members private

  • FlyingHighNow

    My sister tried very hard to get the elders in my old congo to disfellowship me. They never did. They knew that my family and I worked very hard to live by the JW book. They knew they let my family down when we needed them the most.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I'm glad that certain JW family members won't shun you. I hope they also won't mind that you have told the elders that they won't.

  • the-illuminator81

    What to do what to do.. I've already mown the lawn twice.. the car is still shiny.. let's try to get family members disfellowshipped! What a great way to spend a sunday afternoon.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    perhaps it is time to also turn the tables...

    Your family (and maybe this elder) are frequenting an internet site that goes against the societies rules about NOT even opening material they suspect is apostate.

    So how do THEY square that away?

    nasty maybe, but it would seem that these ones are more of a danger to the congregation than you... after all, they are the ones blabbing. You are just on your own journey as you say.


  • finallyfree!

    Yep I agree with undercover. I was personally trapped into a JC that I didn't even know was taking place by "loving elders" who wanted to encourage me. That's till they started scrambling for a third brother. Ever since then ill lie to their faces if they ever confront me on anything. First rule in dubland: you CAN play by their rules. If an elder has a conversation with you and confronts you on a certain topic if you are alone in the absence of any other "witnesses" its his word against yours and they need two witnesses to take action. Although if its ur family after ur balls then I guess whether ur diffed or not is irrelevant...not a whole lot left to lose as they say.

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