Interesting call from an elder this morning

by sabastious 54 Replies latest members private

  • sabastious
    This religion was invented by some very nefariously evil Nazi types who are experts at mind control and brainwashing .

    JFR was a mentally comprimised freak. His view of the world and HIS identity still permeates the Organization's doctrine and policy.

    PS the Nazy comment made my laugh. That HAD to be a little tougue and cheek


  • sabastious
    What amazes me the most, is that they can read here for more than five minutes without seeing the bullshit for themselves!

    They don't read it, they just search for incriminating posts. If they actually read it they would have to consider the points made here.


  • noni1974

    I would not be surprised to find out later that the elder had another elder on the line listening to you. They like to tag team. I am sure this is not that last you will hear of this. I'm sure they are setting up your JC right now. I wish you the best.

  • sabastious
    I would not be surprised to find out later that the elder had another elder on the line listening to you. They like to tag team. I am sure this is not that last you will hear of this. I'm sure they are setting up your JC right now. I wish you the best.

    I sure hope not, JC's are a uniquely terrible experience :(

    I am trying to prepare for the worst, but the worst REALLY is bad.


  • Ding

    Let's hope for the best.

    But if they do decide they want to DF you, why attend the JC at all unless you want to make a farewell statement?

  • sabastious
    But if they do decide they want to DF you, why attend the JC at all unless you want to make a farewell statement?

    To document it, if not record it then just have a post about it for others going through similar stuff.


  • moshe

    I have watched the good cop/bad cop routine many times on TV and in the movies. This elder was the good cop and you know his partner is the next one to talk to you.

  • tec

    I understand what you are saying Undercover, but I still feel it's dishonest. Do I care about lying to them? No at all, but I do care about lying, for myself.

    On page two you also mentioned honesty and your personal integrity.

    I don't know how to say this without sounding pretentious (so please forgive me), but if you were my son, I would be damned proud of you. I 100% agree with you about being honest, not playing their game using their tactics and rules.

    I hope and pray that you have the strength to handle the difficulties that they (and your own family) might make for you.


  • sabastious
    if you were my son, I would be damned proud of you.

    Wow tammy, I'm not sure what to say besides thank you so much for sharing this with me.


  • sabastious
    I have watched the good cop/bad cop routine many times on TV and in the movies. This elder was the good cop and you know his partner is the next one to talk to you.

    This is a distict possibility. I'd love any advice on how to deal with the "bad cops." I am used to dealing with the good ones.


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