Interesting call from an elder this morning

by sabastious 54 Replies latest members private

  • sabastious
    The organization (and your family, who apparently don't know what they are creating) should be ashamed.

    It is rough to say the least. I really do hope though that my story and others can help wake up some people OR, even better, wake up the Organization itself.

    Grandiose hopes I know, I aint putting any eggs in that hope-basket.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    You handled it very well.

    He talked to you alone? No other elders? It would be interesting to know if he's reporting back to your family, other elders, or if he's done this alone.

    Do you think he did this to warn you what information the elders have and that they might be coming after you, maybe at the COs visit?

  • sabastious

    I'm not sure Billy. I know my family is pressing the apostasy issue.

    It reminds me of Jesus and Pontius Pilate. The Elder knows I have valid points and motives for speaking out but the Mob wants me actioned.

    I am curious to how this will play out.


  • sabastious
    He talked to you alone? No other elders?

    Yes it was just a phone call, one elder.


  • sabastious
    Do you think he did this to warn you what information the elders have and that they might be coming after you, maybe at the COs visit?

    Realistically I don't see this phone call being the end. I could see the CO coming over with some elders. That actually sounds kind of fun.

    I have contacted every person I want to retain relationships with the past 6 months. If I were to get DF'ed only one person would shun me that is not already shunning me. My mother has told me she will never shun me, and I just regained my older brother and his wife and their kids. My younger brother is DF'ed and not going back.


  • sabastious

    Oh and my Dad is DF'ed and we have a good relationship.


  • pirata

    Hello JWs monitoring this thread. I am still a JW. I stay in because of they way my family and friends will shun me if I tell them my true feelings. I hate living my life like this and feel like a complete hypocrite. I pray for the day when this statement from July 2009 Awake p29 will come true: “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family."

  • Ding

    “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family."

    Amazing how they can print something like this with a straight face.

    Maybe everyone who is facing a JC for apostasy should have a copy of this article and cite it to the elders.

  • ProdigalSon

    Sab, don't kid yourself, you're in the crosshairs. The most disturbing part of this is that it's your own family that's against you. But its no surprise. This religion was invented by some very nefariously evil Nazi types who are experts at mind control and brainwashing . It is designed for its members to be loyal to IT before ANYONE or ANYTHING ELSE, including their own flesh and blood.

    What amazes me the most, is that they can read here for more than five minutes without seeing the bullshit for themselves!

    As you know, it's all really, really sick. As others have said, its gonna get ugly, but I'm pulling for you to set an example for them.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    It's just a matter of time.

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