The way that you and bohm took such great umbrage to my suggestion that we evolved from rocks, I was convinced that I had committed an offence that needed to be corrected. You actually had me believing that there was a correct answer. It never ceases to amaze me how little of evolution is cold, hard facts and how much of it is pure speculation. And yet, they dogmatically present speculation as fact. And I am to blindly trust these people?
The thing is this, you accused me of being intellectually dishonest for reducing evolution to common terms that expressed, accurately, what you believe. Whether we evolved from rocks or the materials fell from the sky (which is what the primordial soup theory teaches), the fact remains that if you strip the fancy words away, it sounds silly.
Bohm said that if it is absurd, we can dismiss it out of hand. I simply took him at his word. It seems that it depends on whose ox is getting gored.