On a scale from Awfully Bad..................................clear over to............................................Wonderfully good
What gives things their value?
Isn't it the reality of their impact on life itself? A thing IS what it is, after all.
We can't bargain with poison or a bullet to the brain, can we? Wishing away the cause of death doesn't prevent death.
Being mushy about our descripton of WRONG doesn't change the wrong itself.
Wrong is wrong because it hurts, distorts, effaces, corrupts and destroys what is good.
If you simply REDEFINE wrong the results of the destruction do not change!
What is done has been done.
A failure to confront either the destruction of the good or the innocent or its cause is the beginning of moral insanity.
The Catholic Church handled child molestation by hearing the confession of accused priests and forgiving them--then, moving them to a new location where the FORGIVEN party perpetrated NEW HARM.
Ask yourself what it is in the nature of that forgiveness that was practical?
Shouldn't any action taken toward a HARM be of a practical nature in restoring and preventing future harm?
FORGIVENESS is wrong-headed because it is impractical. Evil remains evil. The harmed remain harmed. Only the perpetrator benfits.
The harmed party WHO FORGIVES may simply be experiencing the desire to STOP FACING the reality of the harm and succumb to societal pressure to be nice and christian because "God expects" us to do the forgiveness thing.
The SANCTION OF THE VICTIM is the leading cause of evil in this world! Who has more moral standing to end it than the vicitim?
Who receives more pressure to "let it go and move on" than the victim?
The wrong-headedness of forgiveness is part of the insanity of religious detachment from reality and mystical "values" replacing healthy moral values (justice).
Forgiveness of a destructive wrong is an illusory denial of the value of what was lost and an abandonment of justice in addressing the restoration by restitution/punishment.
Imagine a Missionary in a village of cannibals forgiving one by one the eating of his wife and children and you'll get my point.
(Who is next?)