Wonderful news that family still care about you. Congratulations
Add my DITTO to that. Valentine's Day is the next big holiday to "decorate" or do anything non-JW for. Also, enjoy family and remember to tell them so.
by cantleave 148 Replies latest members private
Wonderful news that family still care about you. Congratulations
Add my DITTO to that. Valentine's Day is the next big holiday to "decorate" or do anything non-JW for. Also, enjoy family and remember to tell them so.
Hugs from your online family. I feel sorry for the negative emotions this must bring along. Nobody should be in a position to cause this kind of family break up. It is the very opposite of christian love. I wish the traitor a big kick in the butt. And I hope he/she sees the light as well and can bring up the courage to apologize for the harm caused. Good you choose to give a no-show on the JC. No reason at all to give those elders a last power trip before they kick you out anyway. A further proof that they are not sincere in their efforts to help you. Is there a possibility you can avoid the DF announcement by the Doc Bob letter or decaring a mental health problem being the cause of your alleged falling away from "the truth"? I do not know what was the printed eveidence against you. It is just an idea. It must be a shocking event, but otherwise it is just another step into the direction you already were going. Fading is still experimental, and some cannot sit it out as easy as planned. You must have gotten pretty far already though if you are already busy with thinking about christmas decoration. No fear for the Big A. Good for you. Maybe a consoling tought, there might be more ex-witnesses than active ones, and the best is this: the EX-JWs and faders are FREE to tell the world. And we are not going to slam the door, because what you share is YOU, and not a premeditated message thought out by an arrogant Governing Body or their muppets. Thumbs up
wow, just read your news, know cantleave from another exjw site, if its that one that they infiltrated then i am shocked, as you have to pay to be a member on it and i thought it was safe, but then again there is a non member, open section of that site and sometimes its easy to forget which bit you are posting on,
oh dear, how sad and how cruel, i really agree with a previous posters comment "religion makes good people do bad things" soooo true, the cult just overrides their natural human instincts,
thinking of you, take care and much regards to you both,
(((( Cantleave & Nugget & Little Nuggets ))))
I've been outed on here, too. But I was already df'ed, so they don't care, I was already considered a "lost cause" before I started posting here.
You are absoluely correct on 2 things:
- The benefits to being here with these lovely people have FAR out-weighed any trouble I have incurred
- I feel much safer leaving my judgment in the hands of The Creator, than in the hands of a bunch of lying and manipulative men.
You can lean on us, we will be here for you, in the coming difficult days.
I remember being impressed last year at memorial time that Cantleave had given the talk the year before and this time did not even attend.
That seemed like a great leap forward, but now you have almost finished that particular race.
Well done!!
I am sure it will be a struggle for a while..........................but..........................you've shown you've got what it takes.
((((((((((Nugget & Cantleave))))))))))))))
Keep on smiling...maybe the one who registerd might start reading some of the other posts and realise the error of their ways.
.......And so started their descent.
And so your descent continues, DY. "Good" jws would find your posting here an apostate act...I wonder how you would explain it to them? Do you tell them?
*** w06 1/15 p. 23 par. 13 Do Not Allow Place for the Devil ***Because of listening to the Devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized. So, then, should we listen to apostates, read their literature, or examine their Web sites on the Internet? If we love God and the truth, we will not do so. We should not allow apostates into our homes or even greet them, for such actions would make us ‘sharers in their wicked works.’ (2 John 9-11)
By the way Nugget and Cantleave, Christmas is bullshit commercialism supported by no-other than bullshit religion.
You don't have to celebrate anything related to spiritual traditional festivities of any kind, such as Halloween or whatever....uck
This is mostly the reason that I go on holidays for 2 weeks prior to Christmas .....it annoys the crap out of me.
Take care and congratulations on leaving this particular corrupt religious cult ......all the best in the future.
Sorry for the for the chickensh$$ way evidence was gathered about you guys. Congratulations to your freedom from religious oppression.
Strength and love to you and your family. What this organization does is evil. It turns people into spies and creates many hypocrites. I don't recall that being a part of love.
Hugs to you all.